“Long shot of colorful popeye graffiti at daytime with yellow taxicab driving past on road” by Carl Joseph on Unsplash

What is Redcab Market place?

aser yehia
2 min readJul 3, 2018


We have started our crowd sale period for Redcab and the people who invested and who are willing to invest have all the rights to know more details about their investment and the future vision of the company, hence why we will reveal some information about the company’s vision and strategy that was not revealed before in a series of articles.

Market place & Geo-Ads features are one of the innovations done by Redcab which is changing the whole concept Marketing & Advertising. In order to grasp the following details on how it works let begin with the following example which is the use case for how do we do advertising now a days.

Imagine Company A, which is a large company in the retail industry has allocated an advertising campaign of $1,000,000 for its new product. Let’s now ask a question, what is the propose of this campaign?

Simple answer: just bringing people in the stores as if they managed to get them in, then there is high possibility of making them buy their product. In this scenario, a large amount of amount money is given to advertisement agencies and not given back to the end user.

Thanks to the blockchain, as this will not be the case anymore. End users should benefit directly from the campaigns conducted by the companies without a 3rd party, and the question now how will it works?

Simple answer : Redcab Market Place.

The “Concept of de-centralized Marketing” was introduced to businesses doing advertisement on Redcab “Market Place” which is the platform where we can push “Geo-Ads”. Imagine this scenario, Company A wants to advertise their new offer on RedCab dApp and they have allocated $1,000,000 budget for that? What are the benefits of that for the Company A and their target end users?

Company A with the specified budget will allocate RedC Tokens, their own tokens or any other currency supported by WishKnish network and the majority of these tokens will be given back to the Redcab users through a gamified experience. First, Redcab users will see these tokens allocated on the market place MAP over every store and they can only get them into their wallets if they enter this store. This is the “Geo-Ads” in nutshell. For more information check Is RedCab Building A Gamified Reality…?

WishKnish network will allow customers to reserve their place in their “Store Front”. The can create and use their own tokens across the whole WishKinsh network and Redcab market place as well.

You can also use Redcab app in “Game Mode “and if this is the case then you can order your ride just go and collect coins.

To be continued …

