CBS wins People’s Choice Awards at Microsoft!

Rebecca Madeleine Bushby
Published in
1 min readApr 2, 2019

CBS was awarded the People’s Choice Awards during the Microsoft “Fix Hack Learn” week.

Three times per year, Microsoft hosts a week where employees are free to spend their time on fixing, hacking or learning something. Our CBS tech contributor, Karoline, pitched the CBS project as something which the employees could work on and five Microsoft employees joined the team. Together, they spent the week working on the analytics functionalities of the CBS platform.

The team made great progress on our analytics bounded context, including in UX, replacing the backend with boilerplate .NET Core Web app, on the communication with backend through APIs and retrieving data from the backend (as opposed to static data in front-end).

As a result of the great efforts of the team, the CBS platform won the People’s Choice Awards!

A big thank you to those who joined the CBS team during the fix hack learn week, and also to all the Microsoft employees who voted for us! We hope to see you all at a code event soon — perhaps at our code evening tomorrow?

