Codeathon 5.0 Dakar: Update

Rebecca Madeleine Bushby
Published in
2 min readApr 13, 2019

After several months of planning, we finally kicked off our 5th Red Cross Codeathon in Dakar on Thursday! Since then, 23 Senegalese coders have been working hard on helping us improve our CBS platform.

Focusing on three aspects of the platform (alerts, analytics and reporting), the volunteers have been working closely with our amazing core team (who all flew down to Senegal for the occasion!)

The event started on Thursday morning with presentations from the Senegalese Red Cross and representatives from official bodies and local NGOs. The new CBS volunteer contributors were also guided through a simulation of the platform and an introduction to the teams and tech.

Team reporting (left) and team analytics (right)

We then split into three groups, who have since been working hard to solve the issues laid out by their core team facilitators. Despite language confusions, heat and long days working, the volunteers have done an amazing job, bringing new and valuable features to the CBS platform.

With only one hour left of our three-day work sprint, we are incredibly pleased, impressed and grateful to our new CBS contributors in Senegal!

A big thank you to our amazing core team for coming all the way to Dakar to help us and a big merci to our new CBS contributors! Welcome to the CBS-family! We can’t wait to continue working with you!

Team alerts

