Codeathon Outputs

Rebecca Madeleine Bushby
Published in
2 min readOct 10, 2018

Nearly two weeks have passed since our 3rd Red Cross Codeathon and we couldn’t be more happy with the volunteers and their contributions during the three days! This post provides a summary of the outputs.

In total 62 people showed up to help us code for the greater good during the codeathon. As mentioned in previous blog posts, there were 6 different technical volunteer teams, each representing a bounded context; alerts, volunteer reporting, user management, admin, data analytics and SMS/notification gateway. Within most of these groups, there was one domain (health) expert, one core team member and one infrastructure expert.

Participants per bounded context

In terms of gender distribution, 34.88% of (tech and non-tech) volunteers were female, 65.11% of volunteers were male. Including non-volunteers, 38.71% were female and 61.29% were male.

From September 27th to September 30th, there were 27 active pull requests (25 merged and 2 proposed) and 24 active issues (12 closed and 12 new). The number of active pull requests is lower than those during codeathon 2.0 (35), and the number of active issues is higher (14).

545 files were changed, which is higher than the 396 changes from Codeathon 2.0. The number of additions from Codeathon 3.0 (23,122) is also higher than those from Codeathon 2.0 (10.275).

This may indicate that more volunteers are understanding the context and code better than at the previous codeathons. Additionally, we saw a lot of activity on GitHub on the 30th, the day after the codeathon, which could indicate that our volunteers were motivated to continue working.

Most participants signed up to the codeathon as a means to help a good cause and learn more about the project/something new. Networking and fun were also prominent motivations. Community dinners and activities (such as the fail fest) were both important to strengthening the community.

On a scale from 0–10 (10 is best), the average likelihood of attending a Red Cross code event again was 8,75.

