Come join us at Codeathon in Brussel 17.-19. October!

Published in
2 min readSep 27, 2019

Short version:

What: Codeathon

Why: Code to save lives

When: 17th to 19th of October in Brussel

Sign up:

From the Codeathon in Dakar April 2019.

Imagine, for a moment, you’re sick. A disease is spreading around you, and the information that could stop it escalating is inaccessible. Despite every advance in medicine and an increasingly connected world, this is a nightmare that all too many people are living today.

The problem is especially pronounced in the developing world. Unlocking data to the benefit of science and medicine is one of the remaining great technological quests. With technology already helping to make miracles happen in so many places, how can we hack existing protocols to ensure that the ability to save a life is never restricted by a lack of access to data?

In 2018, the Red Cross moved the data up to the cloud and launched an open source platform in order to track the spread and location of diseases. This information can prompt early interventions that are now saving thousand of lives, especially in Somaliland and Senegal. But our platform is currently a minimum viable product — we need back-end and front-end expertise to enhance the platform and save more lives.

Illustration of the use of the CBS platform.


  • 3 days of coding, international networking, using innovation to save lives and lots of fun!


  • To enrich your CV with an experience with the Red Cross — you’ll receive a certificate and a recommendation
  • To expand your network internationally
  • To diversify your network with developers, humanitarians and public health practitioners
CBS delegate Richard explaining why CBS was useful in Mozambuiqe after the Syclone in March 2019.

Hope to see you in Brussel, and remember to sign up here:

Facebook event:

