Why we made our own software

Rebecca Madeleine Bushby
Published in
2 min readJul 27, 2018

“Why could you not just use something which was already made?”

This is definitely the question we get most often. Why didn’t we just use a CBS system which was already there? Why did we have to go and make our own?

Excellent questions!

This blog-post will try to explain why we came to the conclusion that we need a custom-built application for the Red Cross Red Crescent CBS.

Firstly, we need to look at the CBS software’s four main principles. These principles are the foundation of our work, and ensure that we are working towards creating a system which is effective and useful for whoever needs it!

1. Scalability: there can be no limit on the number of countries and number of users using CBS at the same time. The system needs to be able to monitor health risks everywhere!

2. User friendliness and interactivity: CBS must be easy to set up and easy to use by all users and enable easy communication and relevant feedback among and to all users.

3. Global access: use of CBS cannot be limited by licensing or cost. It must be made available to all 190 Red Cross National Societies, as well as to anyone else who wants to use it! We would not make something this awesome without allowing for everyone else to use it too!

4. Future Proof: The CBS software must be able to work in the future and be useful for many years to come.

After establishing these principles, we researched and tested a range of software solutions, both open source and proprietary. For the data collection tools, this included Zegeba, Open Data Kit (ODK), Muzima, formhub, CommCareHQ, IQCare, Open MRS, OpenClinica, dhis2, MagPi, and Openrosa. For the business intelligence tools, this included QlikQ, tableau, Power BI, and salesforce.

However, none of these tools were able to fulfill the four main principles. This included data security and privacy, cloud server location, local deployment capacity, real-time, reliable and easily deployable SMS gateway, licensing costs, user needs, intellectual property, user rights, and more. In addition, extensive interviews were conducted with relevant technology experts and in lack of identifying a system that could holistically meet the needs of the users, both short term and long term, the development of the open source version 2.0 of the CBS software was initiated.

So, as you can see, we are making the system ourselves so that we can ensure that it is fit for the task of saving lives in communities, while being scalable, user-friendly, open for whoever wants to use it and able to collect real time information to save lives.

