Log Storage on DroneMQTT

Akira Hirakawa
Red Dot Drone
3 min readAug 22, 2023


Introducing the Key feature in our Advance Plan

MQTT message log storage

An MQTT message log refers to the record of messages exchanged between MQTT clients (publishers and subscribers) over time. DroneMQTT (Advance Plan) maintains a log of messages that have been published to topics. This log is used to ensure that subscribers receive messages even if they were offline when the message was published.

  1. Message Logging: MQTT message logs can be generated by DroneMQTT, monitoring the MQTT communication. The logs include information such as the timestamp of the message, the topic it was published on, the payload message.
  2. Log Storage: Our DroneMQTT message logs are stored and can be retrieved via the DroneMQTT dashboard under ‘MQTT Logs’.

The MQTT Logs are arranged by date for easy reference.

Once you select the date to view the data, you may search by time frame and topic, otherwise the whole day’s data will be displayed. At the bottom, the statistical data will be displayed showing the message count within intervals of 30 minutes. You will also be able to view the message count by Topic.

After specifying the time frame or topic, you may click on the ‘Download’ button to obtain the text file of the actual message. This will contain the timestamp of the message, the topic it was published on, the payload message. A link containing the text file will also be sent to your email.

This log can be useful for various purposes such as reviewing the historical data for troubleshooting, auditing, monitoring, and analysis.

Our Message Log function is only available on our Advance plan. Do give it a try to unlock more potential for your drone needs.

New signups for our Advance plan, get to enjoy half price ($49) for the first 3 months.

Get more out of Drone MQTT by trying our paid plans

For new signups, try our Standard plan at only $10 a month for the first 3 months.

