Some “Novel” Features Released Today (Just Keep Climbing)

Published in
4 min readMar 13, 2020

Amidst global chaos, we released five (5) new features on Redeeem today to help you trade faster and improve the quality of our discount gift cards.

Global stocks, commodities and cryptocurrencies have taken massive hits in recent days over fears of falling oil prices and Coronavirus (COVID-19) 😷 and the worst days still seem to be ahead of us. The World Health Organization (W.H.O.) has officially labeled this outbreak a Pandemic — sending the Dow into bear-market territory for the first time in over a decade.

While the markets wait for a stimulus, here at Redeeem we’re just going to keep shipping features. We’ve been a remote team since Day 1 so we’ve been lucky not to feel too big of a disruption to our operations. We owe it to our customers to keep trading open for the foreseeable future without interruption.

Amidst global chaos, we released five (5) new features on Redeeem today to help you trade faster and improve the quality of our discount gift cards.

1. New profile previews

Every user has a lightweight profile that will be seen publicly by other users. You can preview your statistics on the Profile page. No contact or personal identifiable information will ever be shared with other users or third-parties.

2. Text updates in Telegram

Receive text updates directly in Telegram.

Users can now receive text message updates in Telegram using the RedeeemBot instead of SMS or WhatsApp. Simply change your setting for Phone Channel on the Profile page in the app. Below are some of the other commands that you can test out with RedeeemBot within an encrypted chat room in Telegram.

/start - Redeeem intro
/buy - Buy cards with credits
/sell - Sell cards for bitcoin
/stats - Market stats
/brands - Get brands
/credits - Get credits
/earnings - Get earnings
/wallet - Get wallet
/signup - Create account
/signin - Signin to account
/help - Help commands

Please note, you must authenticate using /signin before you can receive text message notifications from RedeeemBot in Telegram. Subscribe to @Redeeem group on Telegram for daily product and market updates.

3. Block specific buyers

Block users from buying your cards.

Sellers can now block buyers from buying their cards. Go to the Dispute tab of any order on the Orders page and click the “Block” button next to their username. They will still be able to see your cards but will be blocked from buying. You may want to do this if you suspect fraudulent behavior.

4. Spotify gift cards

Now accepting Spotify gift cards!

We now accept physical and electronic gift cards from Spotify (USA). If you have a special type of code that does not fit into our suggested code mask, please let us know and we will add the additional gift card type.

5. Flag bad receipts

Flag a gift card and we will review the offer.

If any receipt image on the site is invalid, blurry, vulgar, or shows sensitive gift card information, you can flag it from any Products page by clicking the flag to the right of the Buy button. We will carefully review the offer and take appropriate action with the seller.

General Reminders

As a reminder to buyers, you do not have to send crypto to this wallet to buy Credits. Simply create an invoice on CoinPayments and pay it by sending Bitcoin or another cryptocurrency from any external wallet or exchange to fund your account. Redeeem does not claim custody of these funds, please protect your wallet keys for this public Bitcoin wallet at all times.

Oh and wash your hands! 🚿

