Redeemer Church
Redeemer Church Review
2 min readApr 27, 2016



In the first few months of our work planting a new tree (our third church campus) in Portage Park, we’ve faced the challenge of how to involve the gifted people of Redeemer. When we were starting Redeemer Chicago, we had a building and some large events to serve as rallying points. Some of the coolest parts of those first months were getting together with church friends to paint walls, wash cars, and offer Vacation Bible School to local kids. We want to try to capture some of that same energy as we move towards starting Redeemer Portage Park! In service of that end, we’re planning a couple of opportunities to serve in Portage Park during Faith in Action weekend.

On Saturday, May 14, from 9am to noon, we’ll be serving at Slingshots Teen Center, doing some work on the space to make it even more conducive to meeting the center’s goal of “helping teens hit their target.”

And then on Sunday, May 15, from 10am to 1pm, we’ll be inviting neighbors to participate in a conservation area cleanup the following week at the Dunning-Read Conservation Area. This is a chance to partner with and support a local organization that is already doing God’s work and to have a bunch of friendly conversations with folks we might not otherwise get a chance to meet.

I hope that you’ll consider signing up for one (or both!) of these ministries. As always, please feel free to be in touch at if you’re looking for ways to get involved in blessing our neighbors on the Northwest Side.

