Fellow Environmentalists, It’s All About You

Redefine Conservation
Redefine Conservation
2 min readMay 17, 2016

Dear Fellow Environmentalists,

First of all, thank you for following Redefine Conservation on Medium! Our goal is to create interesting, thought-provoking content about the future of the conservation world. Because you’re following us, we think you might be interested in these issues, too. What can we do to make our posts more representative of your perspectives? More relevant to what you care about? More innovative, imaginative, and inspiring?

Our goal is to bring together people to start talking about conservation and where it’s headed. The field has problems, but it is also a valuable tool for solving current puzzles, such as climate change. Our vision for conservation is increased diversity, effectiveness, flexibility, and unity. However, we recognize our limited experiences and perspectives, and we would love to feature conservationists with different views. Redefining conservation cannot happen when one organization attempts to impose ideas upon everyone else, and we want to be challenged as much as possible. If you, or anyone you know, want to be a contributing blogger, do not hesitate to contact us at redefcons@gmail.com.

We’re serious: it’s all about you. Let us know what you want, what you think, what your questions are. We can’t redefine conservation alone.


RedefCons Staff

For more, find us at redefineconservation.com or on Twitter (@redefcons).

Giraffe Picture for Anyone Who Read This Far — Thanks!!

