Welcome to Redefining ABCD

Redefining ABCD
Redefining ABCD
Published in
2 min readMar 3, 2021

As people with hyphenated identities, we believe that there are many everyday struggles of balancing contradicting cultural backgrounds. We found ourselves constantly questioning: “Am I Indian enough?” or “Am I American enough?” to fit into the standards of our surroundings. As we continue to grow into our selective identities, we realized that we can utilize our cultural upbringing, as a pillar within ourselves to help answer many of the questions that arise as we grow up. With this, Redefining ABCD was formed.

Redefining ABCD is a platform to openly discuss various internal stigmas within the South Asian American community and how we as a collective can “change the conversation” to incorporate more South Asian Pride in our day-to-day lives. With this, we hope to bring to light different identities within the South Asian American community.

As Season 2 goes on strong, with new music, art, and guests, check out our episodes to see us interview various desi creatives, people who work in fields that are “out of the norm” of what the South Asian community promotes and explore topics that are stigmatized in our South Asian community.

With our publication, we hope to get the listener’s point of view on the topics we discuss with our guests. https://linktr.ee/redefiningABCD

~ Keerthi and Sneha



Redefining ABCD
Redefining ABCD

Our goal is to bring to light various topics as individuals with hyphenated identities.