Week 7 Reflection

Jenny Han
Redefining STEM
Published in
1 min readFeb 23, 2017

1. Readings:

a. Can We Trust Science?

b. Climate Data and Trump (***Make sure to read this one. Will be discussing.)

c. Choose either #Reachingoutsci OR #Open Science to browse.

2. Medium Reflection: Science communication means a lot of things to a lot of people. It could be communicating among scientists OR communicating between scientists and other professionals OR communicating between scientists and the public. In 240-ish characters (Tweet style reflection): What aspect of science communication are you most interested in, and why? How much of science communication do you think is the responsibility of the scientist versus the politician versus the educator?

3. Have at least an outline of your project in the projects folder, about your Science in Service project (due Week 9)

