Dad: A Violent ‘Tyrant’

Andréa Maria Cecil
Redemption Chronicle
2 min readSep 26, 2019

For three decades, Damian couldn’t stomach sauerkraut.

“When I was kid, my dad threw a bottle of sauerkraut against the wall and it stayed there for two weeks.”

His dad was an alcoholic. A mean one. Violent.

In Damian’s words: a tyrant.

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“I took a lot of shit from him,” he said.

“My mom would lock herself in her room with my littlest brother. He was just a child at the time. She would just lock herself in the room with him, and my other brother would lock himself in his room. And it was just me to deal with my dad.”

Damian continued: “I took a shit ton of beatings.”

He didn’t remember exactly why his dad threw the sauerkraut against the wall.

“I was supposed to make bratwurst, and I don’t think I cooked ’em long enough.”

Damian learned his way around the kitchen by watching his grandmother — his mom’s mom.

“I cooked a lot of spaghetti, pork chops, a lot of different stuff,” he recounted. “I remember being good at makin’ fried potatoes. … I can probably cook anything, just whatever.”

Cooking was a valuable skill in Damian’s household. His father expected dinner to be served when he got home from work, and Damian’s mother was too scared of his father to face him. If the meal wasn’t ready, there’d be hell to pay.

So, Damian became the family cook. At 12 years old.

About the Author

Andréa Maria Cecil is a career editor and writer whose experience includes six years as Assistant Managing Editor and Head Writer at CrossFit Inc. headquarters. She spent the first 12 years of her professional life as a journalist — starting with The Associated Press in Detroit and Baltimore — before transitioning to content marketing with an emphasis on authentic storytelling. She is the editor of “Speal: A David and Goliath Story” by Chris Spealler that sold 10,000 copies worldwide.

