Our Amusement Expo 2019 Headline

“It’s about time!” Crane + Merchandiser updates that will help you grow more by wasting less.

Redemption Plus
Redemption Plus
6 min readAug 30, 2023


We’re talking about updates made to our Crane + Merchandiser program at Amusement Expo in booth #612! We put a lot of effort and hours into revamping our crane and merchandiser line to make it easier to buy from Redemption Plus and implement our prizes into your machines. Read the deets:

Confusion + Waste

Simplifying the experience and driving out waste and rework has been at the forefront of our work for the last couple of years. It just so happens our Crane + Merchandiser line is the most recent beneficiary of this core strategy.

This portion of our line remained status quo for a few years and it was time for much-needed consolidation and consistency. We had upwards of 4 offerings at one price-point (ticket value) and were completely absent in other ranges. The product sold in our kits were stale and our capsule offerings also hadn’t been updated in much too long!

With every Prize Hub order, we were sending a USB to house system pictures. Not only was this a huge waste of resources for us, but also a hassle for our customers. They kept telling us, “I don’t need the display image with every kit I buy!”

Essentially: our processes were broken.

Simplification + Driving out waste

We now update the assortment of each merchandiser assortment monthly. This keeps the line fresh and relevant.

  • We added a “flash” component that includes prizes themed around upcoming movies and trends.
  • New reporting tools for our production team ensure products aren’t duplicated within our merchandiser offerings.

We produced new hanging merchandiser assortments to hit all critical ticket values (50–2500) for self-merchandising machines such as Prize Hub and Tickets-2-Prize. These assortments are not exclusive to these machines as they can be used for any self-merchandising game on the market place as each product is expertly hung with our custom hang bags and header cards.

We also put together 20 new capsule kits, giving our capsule line more variety and refreshed options!

Customers are now able to download images straight from the product description page on our website or contact us to receive a link to the Dropbox file that houses all images for merchandiser products.

This creates efficiencies (and less landfill waste) because all images can be downloaded directly to your computer, ending the need for a USB with every kit.

Displays for capsule products are now sold separately. You can also download and print the displays yourself from the product description page on our website. 👇👇👇👇

Crane and Window Merchandiser Offerings

To the adverse of needing to be consistent and more-defined in our hanging merchandisers and capsule offerings, quite the opposite was needed for our crane and window merchandiser products…

We were overcomplicating just about everything to do with our crane and window merchandiser offerings to the point that it was almost impossible to communicate our product line to customers.

This portion of our line needed to be more flexible: We worked to open up possibilities for these products so anything that could be used in a crane could also be utilized for window merchandise. In addition, in many cases, items used for crane and window merchandisers can also be used in redemption programs.

You also are now able to choose items for your high-end merchandiser slots. 👏 In the past, when you ordered a kit, pictures often didn’t match what was received and there was no option to select your own items.

Let’s go shopping!

We know this portion of our product line has needed big changes for a while. You’ve probably gotten out of the habit of shopping our offerings because they just weren’t solving your needs.

You can see all these updates and new offerings on our website. Click on the Crane Products and Merchandiser Kit categories on RedemptionPlus.com to shop around. Each category has sub-categories to allow you to search based on specific games or needs.

We hope you’ll give Redemption Plus another shot! And please, we’re always looking for feedback on what’s working and what’s not working for your business. Hearing from our customers is the only way we’re able to improve. Let’s us know what you think!

Amusement Expo Need-To-Knows

Back to Amusement Expo… If you’re eager to learn more, we’ll be in booth #612. You’ll also see product samples of some of the new products we just talked about.

Kory Lafayette, our Cranes + Merchandiser Manager, will be at the show. He’s been spearheading all the changes you just read about and hopes to answer any additional questions you may have.

You’ll also be able to say “hi” to Justin Michaels and Ann Krull — Account Executives on our Customer Success team.

We hope to see you in booth #612!

Our products will be showcased in some of our partner booths as well. If you want to shop around but don’t have time to stop by our booth, see our crane and merchandiser items in these booths:

  • LAI: booth #436
  • Coastal: booth #409
  • Smart Industries: booth #611
  • SEGA: booth #201

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For more topics like this, listen to our podcast — Tchotchke Talk — where we talk nothing about tchotchkes and all about business strategies and innovations within the family and bowling entertainment industry. Click here to listen or find it on all major podcast apps.

Our proprietary Storyboards are a series of pre-designed merchandising layouts, backed by analytics. They’re created with a specific theme or category in mind to engage your guests and make finding the perfect prize a piece of cake.


