Why Saver and Super-Saver Players Are Important to Your Arcade

Mike Tipton
Redemption Plus
Published in
5 min readMay 20, 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of entertainment, one aspect remains constant: the importance of understanding your customers’ preferences to optimize your business’s profitability. As operators of family entertainment centers (FECs), you know that the redemption program and game room are central to your success. But how do you ensure you’re offering the right mix of prizes to keep your players engaged and coming back for more? First and foremost, you must know your player types!

In an FEC, players come in various shapes and sizes, each with their unique preferences and spending habits. Let’s break down the four main player types:

The Impulse Player (2–250 Tickets): These players are the spontaneous ones, driven by the thrill of the moment. They’re in your facility for one visit and have a limited amount of play on their game card. They enjoy quick games, instant gratification, and choose to cash in all of their tickets at once, getting as many small prizes as possible. Cater to their impulsiveness with low-ticket prizes like candy, stickers, or small toys.

The Trader Player (250–1250 Tickets): These players game with a particular prize in mind, a high-value Nerf blaster for example, but most times won’t win enough tickets. They’ll trade down the wall for a similar but more achievable prize, perhaps an import blaster or sword instead. Offer mid-range prizes such as plush toys, puzzles, or novelty gadgets to keep them engaged.

The Saver Player (1250–3750 Tickets): Saver players are the planners, diligently accumulating tickets across multiple visits for that big-ticket item. Think bigger with your prize offerings here — board games, electronics, trending, and licensed items. They value novelty and prefer prizes they can’t readily purchase elsewhere.

The Super Saver (3750+ Tickets): Meet the VIPs of your arcade — the Super Savers. These players are in it for the long haul, saving up for the ultimate reward. They’re strategic with their gameplay, coming on half-price game nights and scoping out exactly which games can maximize their ticket payout. Their loyalty is unmatched, and nurturing their relationship is crucial. Treat them with aspirational prizes like high-end tech gadgets, camping gear, or even rare collectibles to keep them coming back for more.

While ensuring you have a mix of prizes for all player types is crucial, let’s dig in a little deeper with the Savers and Super Savers.

But why focus on the Saver and Super Saver redemption range specifically? FECs located within resorts or similar settings often attract guests who stay for multiple days, providing ample opportunity for repeated visits to the game room. Community-based locations often have a group of regular guests, to whom your facility fills a part of their social lives. Studies show that repeat customers spend 67 percent more than new customers, by offering enticing prizes within the Saver and Super Saver range, you can capitalize on this behavior and drive revenue.

Super Savers are not just your regular guests; they’re your arcade’s most valuable allies. Building a strong relationship with them can significantly impact your FEC’s success. Here’s how:

Valuing Their Input: Super Savers’ feedback is golden. Listen to their suggestions, preferences, and concerns. Their insights can help you tailor your offerings to suit their needs better and attract more players. Treat them like VIPs and they’ll return that loyalty to you.

Offering Aspirational Prizes: Savers and Super Savers are motivated by goals. Introduce aspirational prizes that ignite their passion and drive. These prizes incentivize Savers and Super Savers and inspire other players to join the quest. Most guests will give up before saving enough tickets for that high-value prize, trading down the wall for something less. But that prize has still done its job- it motivated that guest to play games.

Avoiding Overstock: While it’s important to offer prizes for your Super Savers, remember that technology updates quickly. Invest wisely and avoid buying deep into trendy items. One or two pieces of each aspirational prize are usually sufficient to maintain excitement without risking obsolescence- and remember, that’s your inventory budget sitting on your shelf, collecting dust.

The key to a successful prize strategy is to align with your target audience’s interests and aspirations while keeping an eye on your arcade’s budget and inventory management.

So, how do you ensure your FEC maintains a great selection of merchandise within the Saver and Super Saver range? Variety is key. From electronics to plush toys, provide a diverse range of prizes that appeal to different interests and lifestyles. Utilize online resources to explore additional options and stay updated on trending items (sign up for our weekly product email). Check out the New Category as you log in to place your order on redemptionplus.com. Don’t forget to offer multiple price points within each ticket range- only offering your Savers choices at 100,000 tickets is a quick way to demotivate them.

Of course, getting the right prizes is only half the battle. How you merchandise them is equally important. Implement merchandising best practices to showcase Saver and Super Saver prizes effectively and maximize their perceived value. These high-value items should be given a place of pride within the redemption center- in showcases, display cases, or up on top shelves. Give each item a bit of breathing room and let it shine.

By embracing the Saver Redemption Range and fine-tuning your prize assortment, you can transform your FEC into a thriving hub of entertainment and fun. With the right strategies in place, you can maximize revenue, enhance the guest experience, and ensure the long-term success of your business.

Here’s to a winning future for your family entertainment center!

Blog Contributor: Ashley Woodford

