Love Sees

Kali Dunson
Redemptive Freedom
Published in
2 min readJun 17, 2016

I look around and see many nameless faces. Each person with a different story, unique interests, tragic heartache, mountain of success, weird hobby and yet… God so loved.

I’ve been thinking about the word love a lot lately. How loosely it’s used, but the weight it carries. What would it actually look like to love? God has used many different kinds of people to explain, teach, and prove love to me recently. I see it in a woman who invests so much wisdom into my life by allowing me to just sit at her feet and learn more about Jesus. I experience it in the humility, grace, and forgiveness shown by a man who chooses to be in a relationship with me each day. I feel it in the warmth of a smile or the embrace of a hug. I view it in this coffee shop I’m sitting in as I witness the deep and compassionate love of God in the way he intricately and beautifully designed his children.

I go to a bible study each Tuesday night that is filled with women wholove Jesus. They crave Him. They believe in Him. They trust His word. They have learned how to forgive what the enemy has intended for evil in their lives. I have learned what it looks like to love because of these women. These women are strong and brave, and it’s not because of who they are or what they do, but because of whom they love. These women are anointed with Jesus’ spirit because of how much of their lives they’ve surrendered to him.

Love is seeing.

It’s seeing a friend who has betrayed you as a child of God, and believing that Jesus is truth. It’s seeing your abusive father as a man who needs to meet The Comforter, and trusting that God is still a good God despite the circumstances. It’s seeing no money left in the bank account as an opportunity for your faith to be increased, because God is not unaware of your circumstances. It’s seeing a manipulative and hurtful ex husband as an opportunity to show grace, because you were given grace freely.

These women see. They see all the love, truth, and glory of the Lord all around them.

Originally published September 9, 2014



Kali Dunson
Redemptive Freedom

Clumsy worshipper | Wife | Mom | Lover of books, salsa, naps, coffee, & telling people’s stories