RDC Innovator: Marisa Nilchavee

Redesign Challenge
Redesign Challenge
Published in
1 min readAug 14, 2015

Marisa is a pre-service teacher, just beginning her career in education.


Title: Small Byte Videos

Marisa’s Short Story: I am honored to join amazing educators at Innovator’s Weekend, particularly as a pre-service teacher who is still very much learning the ropes of our beautiful and complex field. Teachers are our most under-recognized innovators — working day in and day out to find the strategy that works so that every student can succeed. My goal is to create a personalized, user-friendly and inspirational product that saves teachers their most precious resource…time.

Marisa’s Idea In A Nutshell: Pop-up video function allows for personalized learning and reflection.

Interested in joining an Innovation Team to try out this idea? Check out all 14 Innovators’ ideas here. Want to learn more about Innovation Teams? Get your questions answered by email here.

What will it take to join Marisa’s Innovation Team?

  • Computer
  • Internet Access
  • Video Recording Equipment
  • YouTube Account



Redesign Challenge
Redesign Challenge

Imagine a world where videos inspire teachers to improve their practice. Can you help us get there? http://bit.ly/rdcorg3