RDC Innovator Profile: Efundunke Hughes #Model360

Redesign Challenge
Redesign Challenge
Published in
2 min readAug 14, 2015

Efundunke has been an educator for 10 years. She is currently a Network Instructional Coach for the Academy for Urban School Leadership.


Title: Model 360

Efundunke’s Short Story: I am the descendant of educators from Nigeria and the United States. My passion for building the capacity of educators and students is rooted in my belief that confident leaders develop capable followers who become leaders. Always the learner, I better understand how to live and love through this journey called education.

Efundunke’s Idea In a Nutshell: Prepare to revolutionize tomorrow’s educators through university partnerships, pre-service teacher collaboration, and mentorship.

Interested in joining an Innovation Team to try out this idea? Check out all 14 Innovators’ ideas here. Want to learn more about Innovation Teams? Get your questions answered by email here.

What will it take to join Efundunke’s Innovation Team?

Relationship with College or University

Pre-service / Student Teachers

Willing Mentor Teachers

YouTube Account

Video Recording Equipment


Internet Access

Google Hangout/Skype/Tango



Redesign Challenge
Redesign Challenge

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