
P o n d e r
Published in
1 min readMay 28, 2015





think about (something) deeply, especially before making a decision or reaching a conclusion.

Today, as part of our efforts to engage our community, we’re launching Ponder by TheGlint. Ponder is a weekly newsletter publication that presents a thought that in itself has meaning but is part of a larger story. How you choose to engage is up to you — read only the thought we send or engage the entire piece it’s from.

Ponder is curated to stimulate the way we think about our lives, living it and our impact on society. It serves as an inspiration for conversations at future salons.

“The best ideas start as conversations.”
Jonathan Ive

If you’re interested in this newsletter, do nothing and stand-by for the first newsletter that goes out every Thursday, 9am. If you’re not, please unsubscribe. Doing so will not take you off our invite-list.

Subscribe here:



P o n d e r

TheGlint is a society that accelerates and celebrates creators of value as modern day heroes through invite only salons. Learn more: