Our Nature’s Essence

Re-Ligare, to connect again

C Castillo
P o n d e r
3 min readJul 8, 2014


We are meeting each other like wheat leaves touch the rich blue sky in Summer. The water rushes to the sandy shore to return to oneness. As one redwood tree is to a log, we are in essence, shared.

The temperature of the lake cools to the ice as winter winds come to whirl over the surface. Just as the whim in my footsteps becomes lighter in your presence, and my cheeks will smile at the cold winter light as yours do.

The earth finds its resting point, in the center of gravity. In honor of your grace, I pull mine upwards. For we can only toil so much as we are not in the presence of gratitude. With every breath of air, open and joyous, we attract sunlight in another’s eyes. Our hellos and goodbyes of the morning resonate in the songs sung in the afternoon daylight.

When the bluebird comes upon the lake, it moves from its perch on the tree branch. The movement gently shakes the pines, a small whisp of air moves. On the surface of the lake, this subtle change in air, has shifted the lake’s water in the slightest. Now a school of geese come upon the shore, joining the blue bird. The water on the sand dances a little, under the many bird’s feet. The top of the little waves glistens, light dances on the crisp daylight air. The birds chirp lively songs, and now the squirrels come out upon the tree branch. The leaves shake. Wind over the lake stirs, and meets the man at the lakehouse across the shore. He smiles, his teeth touching the cold air. He lifts a glass of cold water to his lips. The icy water meets the back of his throat. A fern tree bows to his left, as another wind blows over the meadow.

Our truth is simple, elegant, and free. Our humanity is the petals to the nectar of life’s essence. The flower, is our shared existence, to the creative energy of love. Our natural expression of life, is to co-create this shape of beauty, and to bend naturally to the hum of nature’s song. We are the petals of a flower surrendering to the graceful dance of nature’s bouquet.

The history of our lives is a closed bloom. The difference between growth and blossoming is time. Then one petal meets light, then another, and soon more. Now is the time at which our flower blooms, and the humanity of our earth meets light. Before, one petal seemed before the rest, but now our petals open in harmony. Simultaneously, we exist to attract creativity to the source of love, our nectar.

Now we are a symphony, opening together. Our existence of humanity is petals, which do not expand, but open. Our petals meet light, which expands our awareness, we are joined by our offering. Nectar, nature’s gift, which expands our infinitude.

Each petal is beautiful and glowing, connected to the center of nourishment. Always, the petals move in a beautiful parade, opening like a fan, in a sweet morning air. The petals connect to the center, and shape around each other, maintaining the body of the flower. A silhouette. In seeing light, the flower blossoms and each petal gains its own morning due in the winter mist. In the day light, the flower’s petals become known. Yet still, the petals are always connected to the base, until they fall away.

We, each, are always connected to the source of love, which limitlessly renews itself in our presence. As we live in the light, we become known, and what is known is not the shape of our petal, but the silhouette of the body. The true shape of the flower, the essence of our shared existence, is what becomes known through the arc of our lives. The path to love, is shown in the direction of our songs, our voice, our life. Like the veins of the petal, colors, and hues, invite one to know the fragrance of nature’s essence. So to our beauty, love, and richness, invites the fragrance of love, an endless source which is not the essence of the petal — but the gift of the flower itself.

When we connect, our spiritual meeting with essence, is a binding again, to our true nature in love.

