Sandrine González
P o n d e r
Published in
1 min readFeb 4, 2016


Ponder, Issue #36

Today we ask you ponder …

“Neither language, culture nor a human mind can exist in isolation, or spring into existence fully formed. We are interdependent to an extent we rarely admit. We have little in common with our creations — and a nasty habit of blaming them for things we are doing to ourselves.”

What does it mean to be human in the age of technology?
Written by Tom Chatfield. Originally published in The Guardian.

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TheGlint Edition No.8 is happening on Feb 27th featuring Christopher Willits. Join the experience.



Sandrine González
P o n d e r

Traded in the Eiffel Tower for the Golden Gate Bridge. Creative Director & Community @OuiPlease. Editor @PonderbyTheGlint. Digital nomad. Wandering soul.