Sandrine González
P o n d e r
Published in
1 min readMay 26, 2016


Illustration: Okuda San Miguel.

Ponder, Issue #52

Today we ask you ponder …

“Having radically brilliant ideas that affect huge numbers of people in a positive way is often thought of as the product of good luck, genetics, or a divinely bestowed gift of genius. But the more that we investigate it, the more we discover that there are actually preconditions which make Radical Brilliance a more and more likely accident waiting to happen.”

How to access Brilliance
Written by Azriel ReShel. Originally published in Uplift.

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Sandrine González
P o n d e r

Traded in the Eiffel Tower for the Golden Gate Bridge. Creative Director & Community @OuiPlease. Editor @PonderbyTheGlint. Digital nomad. Wandering soul.