REDi showcases at the largest blockchain event in Europe

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3 min readJul 6, 2018

Blockchain Expo Europe 2018 — recap

REDi exhibits at the largest Blockchain gathering in Europe

It was a delight to have participated in the Blockchain Expo Amsterdam 2018, the largest blockchain conference in Europe. We had the chance to join with over 8,600 delegates and experts in Blockchain, IoT Tech, and AI attending the two-day event held in Amsterdam.

top-level keynotes, interactive panel discussions, and solution-based case studies

REDi was proud to be among the 250+ companies at the exhibition hall showcasing our project to our audience, among them were fellow blockchain entrepreneurs, developers, and investors. We also had the chance to discuss our initiative with experts in the energy market, sharing the potential of blockchain’s application to the current energy industry. We even got a press coverage by the Korean media, as well as interviews from key YouTubers!

DY LEE (co-founder and CEO) were among the REDi team presenting at booth #142

We are grateful for all the positive feedback from our audience, and the massive support for our initiative for a sustainable future. We were encouraged by the shared sense of urgency in reducing our carbon output, solving the problem of air pollution, and the need for our collaborative efforts for a greener energy economy. We are confident that our application of blockchain to renewable energy infrastructure and distribution will encourage an eco-friendly economy, a greener community, and a sustainable future.

DY interviewed by the Korean press pool (left)
CoolbitX x REDi

Our exhibit was accompanied by one of our partner firms — CoolBitX Korea, showcasing their hardware wallet for Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other major cryptocurrencies. Many were awed by the functionality of the CoolWallet S, allowing for easy storage and use of cryptocurrencies while ensuring total security. We look forward to our continued collaborations for a boundless REDi ecosystem!

We thank everyone who have stopped by to give your support for our project!

REDi is committed to continuing our efforts to connect with our global audience at major conferences around the world. It has been a busy couple of weeks, following our successful exhibit in Europe and attendance at the Blockchain Connect Conference in Silicon Valley in June, we kickstarted this month by attending the TokenSky Blockchain Conference in Tokyo, one of the largest blockchain gatherings in Asia.

We look forward to many more opportunities to showcase our initiatives and plans for a sustainable green economy!



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a data marketplace for renewable energy.