Meet the ReDI Alumni

Anne Kjaer Bathel
ReDI School of Digital Integration
1 min readMar 19, 2020

Name: Maher

When did you attend ReDI Nov 2016

What course? Java, JavaScript

What did you like about ReDI? the spirit in ReDi is amazing

What is a myth about ReDI? Students can fly

What are you doing now? Developer at VW

What helped you the most to get where you are now? My passion for life

Do you have any advice for others? Keep dreaming no matter what is happening around you

5 quick tips during Corona:

Movie: Contagion — skyscraper

Book: “ Inferno “ Dan Brown

Music: “ Unstoppable” Sia

Podcast: “ 13 minutes to the moon

Activity: Workout at home

Maher at work as Developer at VW



Anne Kjaer Bathel
ReDI School of Digital Integration

In response to the refugee crisis Anne founded ReDI School, a vocational training program teaching digital skills to migrants and locals.