Meet the ReDI Alumni

Anne Kjaer Bathel
ReDI School of Digital Integration
1 min readApr 29, 2020

Name: Batoul

When did you attend ReDI? 2018

What course? Cybersecurity, basic computer skills.

What did you like about ReDI? I got my first job through it

What are you doing now? I study in an institute to start working in a Kindergarten

What helped you the most to get where you are now? My passion to learn. ReDI School helped me take the first step to integrate by learning computer skills and then finding a job

Do you have any advice for others? Never stop learning and there is nothing impossible when you trust your self

A quick tip during Corona: Keep believing that the sun always shines after the dark days. Invest your time at home with good activities like the ones you didn’t have time to do before



Anne Kjaer Bathel
ReDI School of Digital Integration

In response to the refugee crisis Anne founded ReDI School, a vocational training program teaching digital skills to migrants and locals.