Meet the ReDI Team

Anne Kjaer Bathel
ReDI School of Digital Integration
1 min readApr 17, 2020

First name … Diana

Born in …Homs, Syria

Role at ReDI … office manager

Digital integration is …imperative necessity for everyone’s future

My superpower is …my passion for learning despite the difficulties

I wish I could … write my thoughts as poetry

1 surprising fact about me …I can’t touch animals (cats ,dogs,…) and I am afraid of spiders

I got my first job … as interior designer in an architectural, office after my graduating from the Faculty of Fine Arts with a specialization in interior architecture in 1993

The best advice I ever got is … “What you give with your right hand, comes back to your left hand . So do good to others, so it comes back to you “ from my father.

I stay motivated during the lockdown by …cooking

4 quick tips during corona:

Movie: The Shift- Wayne Dyer

Book: THE SECRET — Law of Attraction

Music: Fairouz

Activity: drawing



Anne Kjaer Bathel
ReDI School of Digital Integration

In response to the refugee crisis Anne founded ReDI School, a vocational training program teaching digital skills to migrants and locals.