Meet the ReDI team

Anne Kjaer Bathel
ReDI School of Digital Integration
1 min readApr 12, 2020

First name … Tamara

Born in … Bassano del Grappa, Italy

Role at ReDI …. Office Manager + Kids & Youth Project Coordinator, ReDI Berlin

Digital integration is … Empowering people through technology, learning together, co-creating, developing new solutions

My superpower is ... Improvising and fixing last minute problems

I wish I could …. Teleport myself anywhere

1 surprising fact about me … I won the Italian Modern Dance Championship three times but I still feel uncomfortable being at the center of attention

I got my first job … As a waitress when I was a teenager

The best advice I ever got is … Be a lifelong learner

I stay motivated during the clock down by … Cooking, yoga and playing games with my roomies

5 quick tips during corona:

Movie: Destino (Walt Disney, Salvador Dali)

Book: Nutshell, Ian McEwan

Music: Nicola Cruz, Prender el Alma

Podcast: The Joe Rogan Experience

Activity: Jamming with DIY instruments



Anne Kjaer Bathel
ReDI School of Digital Integration

In response to the refugee crisis Anne founded ReDI School, a vocational training program teaching digital skills to migrants and locals.