Wake up call

Ramesh Singer
Red Matrix


Where are we?….hmmm...Am I in a dream? We all are sleeping in our life. We are consumed by wandering thoughts. We are refusing to wake up from this cruel world.

What is reality. Do you feel,"Why the hell am i here?".I felt that too. We are programmed to live like this by some stupid people.Who are these people? I don’t know.May be our future selves.

I always wonder...Where are we and what is our purpose in this life? I wasted half of my life, I feared what i became. A Slave for everyone.Here we can’t voice our thoughts because we are afraid to express ourselves as to what others will think.

We need to wake up from this programmed world.Here we have restrictions like conditions in program colour,language,religion,nationality…..etc., We need to break this conditions and to break this we need exceptions. We need to think out of the box as to why we are separated like this and who are behind this

What is our identity?What am i?Am i human? Nope...You are not human until you break your chain of fear of what others will think.I always think why the hell I was born and what the hell am I doing in this life or is some one living in my place.If you think like that, then welcome to my group,if not then think about it.

What is conscious.A voice speaking in your mind is your conscious.It is always trying to speak to you.I always thought that this voice is our true self and our evil side.It knows you very well but you won’t listen to it.Maybe that voice is your 'wake up call’.Listen to them carefully that is your red pill.



Ramesh Singer
Red Matrix
Editor for

an author write about new tech,philosophy,science,programming,life