Redmorph talks Cybersecurity with students in Carnegie Mellon University’s Security Intensive Program

Alyssa Stillwagon
Published in
2 min readJul 6, 2018

Written by David Palmer

The Heinz College at Carnegie Mellon University hosts an IS Lab Summer Security Intensive, where 25 undergraduate students from 17 leading universities engage in a 7 week program, challenging them to think deeply about cybersecurity breaches and solutions. They are required to complete academic work but also participate in information sessions with cybersecurity experts.

On 7.5.18, David Palmer, CMO of Redmorph, presented the Redmorph perspective on cybersecurity and online privacy, the causes of breaches, and how individuals and organizations can protect themselves.

One interesting topic that came up during the session involved GDPR (the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation to enforce data privacy) and what Redmorph was doing to help with compliance. Mr. Palmer explained that GDPR was a strong move in the direction of protecting users’ personal data through a regulatory framework. Complicit with that intent Redmorph has created an innovative tool that allows users to see what data a provider is collecting and where that data is being sent — hence a means of revealing compliance in real-time. Heretofore, that information was opaque to users until submitting requests to providers for reports on the same.

Vivek Srinivas, software engineer intern at Redmorph, also spoke on how Redmorph was deploying machine learning (ML) algorithms to detect contextual and behavioral monitoring of app activity occurring in the background on smartphones. The ML technologies identify potential threats and alert the user to take action to either uninstall, blacklist, or accept apps that take suspicious actions such as phishing overlays.

Mr. Palmer also participated in a lively Q&A with the students and spoke to them about careers in cybersecurity and skill sets that are valuable to build as they approach graduation.

About Redmorph

The Redmorph vision is to provide people the same control of their privacy and security online as they experience in their personal and professional lives. Redmorph specializes in endpoint protection, providing device, desktop, and enterprise portal solutions that address the vectors of greatest vulnerability to data exfiltration and malware attacks. Redmorph products are distinguished by their unmatched protection from cyber surveillance and activity that can harm you or your organization. The Redmorph Promise is that we won’t gather, store, or sell your personal data, and we won’t whitelist any 3rd party entity.

