SEO for Hospitality.

Shehan Malik
Published in
4 min readMar 16, 2021

Any hotel business that owns a website understands the value of every single visitor. The more visitors a hotel’s website gets the more profit they make. SEO is a great modern technology that can improve the above-mentioned fact.

Following is how SEO is going to bring change in your hospitality business.

Traffic Increase:

Effective SEO will help your site to rank higher in the search result pages. This will lead to more people becoming your visitors. An average user rarely clicks the next button and go to the next page on the search result, so ranking higher is a must.


A site should attract a relevant targeted audience to increase its sales. SEO will help to improve not only the volume of visitors but also attracting the right audience.

Brand Awareness:

When your site ranks higher in the search result it is more likely that more and more people will discover your site. This means more and exposure to the name of your business.

Establishes Credibility:

With brand awareness, credibility also increases. Humans have a psychological tendency to trust things they are familiar with. So with Improved SEO, you are able to increase your trustworthiness.


With the increase of traffic comes another benefit. The website receives a large amount of data that can be analyzed and used to identifying customer behavior. This is vital in an ever-changing world.

Competitive Advantage:

By analyzing your users’ data you are able to take a deep insight into new and upcoming trends. With knowledge comes a great advantage. You can take the first step before anyone towards these new trends which is crucial in a competitive world. Lower traffic websites lack this opportunity. Without an adequate amount of data, it is hard to come up with reliable decisions.

Customer Loyalty:

when your site gains more visitors, you are able to build up a more robust customer reward program. This can be a mailing list that offers discounts, informs people of sales and new offers on a regular basis. A mailing list is a great way to develop a good relationship with customers and improve their loyalty towards your business. If you have lower traffic on your website, using SEO is the best way to increase traffic so it is easy to create loyalty programs.

With all this being said. It will be useless if you do not have any idea how to improve SEO for your site. Let’s dive into some tips and trick you can use.

1. Redesign your website.

This may be counter-intuitive, but it does improve your SEO. Redesigning your site allows you, to develop an intuitive and understandable site structure that organizes relevant content with the ease of access. Using a silo strategy, each page contributes to the SEO of its parent page which resembles the snowball effect. Additionally, this time can also be used to improve back-end stuff: XML site maps, canonical tags, site load speed which is crucial, and so on. Install the latest content management system (CMS) on the website for better organization.

2. Use professional copywriting.

You will get what you are paying for. Cheap copywriters usually provide thin, lifeless, uninteresting content that will only take up space on a page. Take the time to find professional and experienced copywriters who are experts in both SEO and hospitality. These writers will be able to generate unique, engaging, and quality content, which will increase your rankings.

3. Implement mobile SEO.

Quality content is the biggest factor when it comes to mobile sites. The Google Panda algorithm updates favor mobile websites that are rich with visual and textual content that is fresh, engaging, and are well responsive. Having a hotel mobile website — even if developed according to the industry’s best practices — is not enough because of the rise of mobile platforms.

4. Create engaging content on the hotel website.

The ongoing Google Panda updates require websites to have content that is deep, relevant, unique, and engaging. Hotel websites without low quality and shallow content would have a hard time with search engine rankings. A big full-service hotel website should start with 75–100 pages of content, and this content should have a high quality too.


No matter what marketers say, SEO is still alive and will be so for the foreseeable future. It is a great strategy that can be used to achieve the most important goals like increased number of leads, brand awareness, and so on. Improving SEO for a website is no easy task and might take a lot of time and resources, but nonetheless, it will return you more than you invest.

