When Did Being “Too Nice” Become a Character Flaw?

My Clueless Thoughts on Relationships

Jeff Barton


Photo by Yoann Boyer on Unsplash

This is not a topic I dive into regularly because, frankly, I have no clue what I’m doing. I’m 99.9% at a loss as to what I should be doing and if what I am doing is even remotely correct. Or normal. I’m bad at it and I have no problem admitting it either.

I know I’m not alone because there seems to be a lot of articles on the subject here on Medium and elsewhere. It’s something if someone could figure it out completely, they would become a multi-millionaire overnight.

What is the topic?

Dating. Love. Relationships.

Pick one — because it all blends into the same cluelessness for me. Even the basics seem to elude me. I’m like a pre-teen who is just learning what it’s all about even though I’m well past those years. I’m just lost.

So I read a lot of articles about it all to try to help me understand. And I searched for a few books to give me a little knowledge of how I can become better — if that’s possible. And a lot of these books talk about the concept of being “too nice.” I know everyone is different and understand there is no one-size-fits-all way to do anything, but these books and articles give me a little insight.



Jeff Barton

Dad, trail/ultra runner, orophile & aspiring recluse. I write about life, mental health, and running. Starting life over. Creator of Runner’s Life.