Redefining Cloud Security: Our Investment in Orca Security

Redpoint Ventures
Redpoint Ventures
Published in
3 min readMar 23, 2021


By Scott Raney and Sai Senthilkumar

The transition to cloud is happening at an unprecedented rate across all industries. Total infrastructure spend on cloud will surpass $150B next year, and the number of cloud workloads globally continues to skyrocket as organizations of all sizes and across all industries move their infrastructure into a cloud environment. 73% of organizations today have at least one application, if not a portion of their broader computing infrastructure, in the cloud.

Of course, this migration to cloud environments brings a new set of risks that security teams are often ill-equipped to handle, many of which stem from lack of visibility into their own stack. Understanding one’s own cloud infrastructure is fundamental for security hygiene. Yet, past attempts in doing so have left CSOs vulnerable to a host of attacks in the meantime. Companies often need to cobble together several solutions, each with a complicated, expensive installation that is difficult to manage moving forward. This dynamic leaves security teams scrambling for a unified solution that closes security gaps across DevOps and cloud environments.

Enter Orca Security

Orca Security is a cloud security platform that gives CSOs full-stack visibility across their entire cloud environment through an elegant approach. Avi Shua, Gil Geron, and the rest of Orca’s co-founders have masterfully solved the cloud visibility problem through their innovative SideScanning technology, which scans and maps the entirety of a company’s cloud environment.

When we demoed Orca to our CSO Advisory Group, composed of a few dozen influential chief security officers and experts, they all echoed the same sentiment. They had never seen a solution as extensive and powerful as Orca. What amazes us is not only how thorough Orca’s SideScanning technology is, but also how quickly it maps a company’s entire infrastructure. Orca’s time-to-value is an important driver of its rapid adoption over the past several months, achieving more than 1,000% YoY growth in 2020. Further, while past attempts and competitors focused on solving the problem through an agent-based approach, Orca built a completely agentless solution from the ground up that seamlessly analyzes all possible assets across several cloud providers.

Our Partnership

We are thrilled to be partnering with Avi, Gil, and the entire Orca Security team on their important mission to build and deliver a foundational security platform to enterprises. From the moment we met the team, we were blown away by their market acumen, technical depth, and deep commitment to building products that delight their customers.

At Redpoint, we love working with entrepreneurs and teams that bring first-principles thinking to a problem to imagine something bold and new. Avi, Gil, and the rest of Orca’s co-founders bring a wealth of knowledge from their days at Check Point (CHKP) and they understand what it takes to win the trust of security teams. They’re bringing clarity to a complex problem at an opportune time. We are also excited to join our friends at CapitalG, GGV, ICONIQ, and YL Ventures on this journey.

At Redpoint, we’ve been fortunate to partner with category-defining security companies like Duo and SentinelOne and infrastructure businesses like Snowflake, Stripe, Twilio, and HashiCorp, and we are very excited to be a part of all that we believe Orca can accomplish in redefining cloud security!



Redpoint Ventures
Redpoint Ventures

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