Change starts with you!

Minu Nandakumar
Redrawlife Magazine
3 min readJun 3, 2016

The newspaper was flooded with masaledar features, stories on scams corruption, inauguration of the new IT park, election rallies, candid photographs of leaking water tap or an old woman abandoned on streets …hmm.. that’s how most of our mornings begin. We read through it, feel sympathetic, complain ‘This country will never change, never will it improve!’ and then? Sip the hot steaming coffee and forget! Ya after all you are getting late to office, aren’t you?

‘Aditi, come fast you are getting late, your school bus will be there in 5 mins!’ But, papa I don’t want to stand there! The place surrounding the stop is full of garbage and when it rains it’s even worse!

‘Oh god! There isn’t hope for this country! Anyway let me try talking to the association people and see if something can be done, for now you go!’ ‘But papa the residents itself are the ones who dump those garbage there!*Facepalm*

‘Oh man today also I’m late!, this traffic jam and pot holes screw my journey to office almost everyday! *Reality check* You live in India, the home of several bad roads, be it the metropolitan, cities or even villages! ‘What are my taxes used for?’ Nothing can be done to this country it will never change!’

‘Hey buddy! Come let’s go out for lunch! Let’s go to the dhabba today!

Owner screams, ‘Chottu serve the sirs what they want!’

‘Poor kid na, he must be hardly 10, he should be in school now and not cleaning plates!’ ‘Ya right, let me click his picture and post in FB it will help create awareness!’ ‘Done!’ *end of social commitment*

‘Chottu, get us 2 alu parathas!’

Haven’t we all gone through at least one of this? Aren’t we all aware of the prevalent economic, political and social troubles that the nation faces?Why is that none of us are doing anything about it? Why do we prefer complaining rather than acting when we ourselves know the solution?

A lot can be done to this country, this state, this city and it can definitely change to be a better one only if you think it can! For instance Kochi is no longer the old Kochi it used to be. From being the fastest growing IT hub, to being the home for Asia’s largest mall, to hosting India’s first Biennale, our Kochi is scaling greater horizons at unimaginable pace! The long coastline, backwaters, good banking facilities, presence of a major port, container trans-shipment terminal, harbour terminal and an international air terminal has accelerated the economical growth of the city making it the commercial capital of Kerala. But, just like the other side of the coin, there is another face of Kochi which struggles to breathe amongst the garbage dumps, which becomes standstill for hours in traffic jams on long rainy days, which is fighting to keep its lakes and water bodies alive!

So who can help that Kochi? You, just you! Stop turning a blind eye to the problems around you, the litter around you! Act and inspire people around you also to lead a change! In short ‘Be the change you wish to see in the world!’

Need some motivation? This video will inspire you to lead the change!

Enough of talking, its time for action! We are taking small steps towards the change. Would you like to join? Join us for the spot fixing second edition on June 12th, 2016 to clean up an unclean spot in Kochi and let it breathe!

Come, let’s pick it up with pride to Redraw Kochi!

