Trek to take memories and leave footprints!

Minu Nandakumar
Redrawlife Magazine
3 min readMay 21, 2016

“Returning home is the most difficult part of long-distance hiking, you have grown outside the puzzle and your piece no longer fits” ~Cindy Ross

Trekking necessarily doesn’t mean just fun; it’s an experience! It’s a way of learning new things, adapting to new situations and creating memories that you will cherish for the rest of your life. In short it’s a micro adventure that you can have on the weekend, to escape the grind and refresh the hell out of yourself for Monday morning!

Need more motivation? Here’s why you should go on a trek at least once:

  • To grow closer to nature:

While trekking you go to places where a vehicle can’t take you. Cool shades of trees, mountains covered with grass, waterfalls and streams flowing nearby, what else do you need to lose yourself in the arms of nature?

  • To disconnect:

No WiFi, no phone calls, no emails! Yes, it’s a good idea to do a technology detox at times. To have a little ‘me time’ all for yourself, for a little introspection. Thousand feet above right on top of a mountain could be an ideal place for it!

  • To not just empower you, but to learn your weakness too:

The magnificence of tall trees, the function of a tiny leaf, beauty of the waterfall, the mighty mountain will show you the wider universe beyond the four walls of your room! It will equip you to face bigger challenges, digest defeats and even taste the fruit of success too!

  • To lose weight:

Aren’t you bored of hitting the gym just to run on the tedious treadmill? Go climb the mountain, you are sure to lose a few centimeters off the waistline. Trekking is undoubtedly interesting and enriching way to cut down a little weight!

  • To have a great story to narrate:

Great stories come from great experiences. Not only positive experiences but, negatives experiences can too turn into awesome stories! The story of how you slipped from the cliff, can initially be scary but, will eventually become an anecdote to laugh over!

  • To make you appreciate all that you have:

Not having electricity, good things to eat, your friends or family around, reminds you of all the great things you have. It’s a fantastic feeling to return home and be so thankful for running water, a good meal and a warm soft bed to sleep! You will come back a different and yet the same person.

  • For the view:

In the end when you finally conquer the mountain, it’s the unspoiled, pristine view that the nature gifts you! Just this reason is good enough to pack your bags and go for a trek right away!

Happy Trekking!

