A Legião das Almas Perdidas

Um Conto dos Reinos de Ferro

Rafão Araujo
Reduto do Bucaneiro
3 min readFeb 28, 2021


Fonte: Fogo das Bruxas

Legion of Lost Souls

The rise of the Legion of Lost Souls is nothing less than a manifestation of Morrow’s divine intervention on Caen. This great host of spirits willing to fight to preserve humanity even from beyond the grave has a tragic history but one that suggests the guiding hand of Morrow sometimes manifests in unexpected and unusual ways.

Back in the era of King Malagant of Cygnar, there was a great and bloody clash between the forces of light and darkness, one that left a lasting legacy on the Church of Morrow. While this conflict was ostensibly fought between Khador and Cygnar, powerful religious elements were behind this strife. Khador’s Queen Cherize was proven to be a Thamarite, and her army benefitted from allying with dark forces, including the cannibalistic Tharn, who worshiped the Devourer Wurm. King Malagant’s heavily Morrowan forces clashed with these forces in the Thornwood, and the carnage was considerable. Among Malagant’s army were Morrowan priests, knights, and a pious mercenary company called the Eternal Host. Though this great host was destroyed, they fought off an enemy horde four times their number, fighting to the last and refusing to break or surrender. While destroyed, their bravery brought ultimate victory for King Malagant. After their fall, a Morrowan archon manifested.

It said to them: Gather up your fallen dead and bring them west, where a tomb shall be formed befitting them. Their sacrifice is not forgotten. Their souls are not lost. The fallen legion will rise again to keep the forces of darkness at bay. Do this thing, for it is the will of Morrow.

This would become the Legion of Lost Souls, a force that would return not once but twice to fight to preserve innocents from darkness. The Legion was first awakened by the actions of Alexia Ciannor and the Witchfire to save the city of Corvis from Vinter Raelthorne IV and his Skorne army. After successfully driving the invaders away, the Legion vanished into thin air, but not before dozens of eyewitnesses saw a Morrowan archon among them, a sign of the Prophet’s favor. Over a decade later, the infernals have come to claim two-thirds of the human souls on Immoren as payment for a dark pact, and the Prophet has once more called the Legion of Lost Souls to arms, this time to wage an even greater war.

