Arquivos dos Reinos de Ferro — 607 DR

Grandes Eventos desse ano — NQ 59

Rafão Araujo
Reduto do Bucaneiro
19 min readMay 24, 2021


As 607 AR began, western Immoren found itself plagued by war and political tensions in nearly every corner. The Khadoran Empire’s occupation of Llael was constantly challenged by the Llaelese Resistance, various Cygnaran forces, and even by the Northern Crusade of the Protectorate of Menoth. Cygnar had long been embroiled in ongoing street-to-street combat in the Protectorate city of Sul — a conflict that resulted in heavy casualties on both sides but led to little progress for either.

Searching for a permanent home removed from fighting in the Thornwood and denied Cygnar’s previously promised sanctuary, the United Kriels had crossed the Dragon’s Tongue River and entered into Cygnar’s Dragonspine Peaks. And in the frozen north, unseen by the civilized nations of humanity, the blighted armies of the dragon Everblight were gathering power sufficient to challenge any of the formal armies of the Iron Kingdoms. By year’s end, the fortunes of more than one of these nations would be permanently and dramatically altered at the cost of countless lives.



8TH In southeastern Llael, where Protectorate forces had entered into an alliance with the Llaelese Resistance, Grand Scrutator Severius implements several measures unpopular with the locals. Intended to increase the self-sufficiency of the Northern Crusade by reducing reliance on resupply from Imer, these new policies create concern among the Llaelese regarding Protectorate governance.

11TH Cygnaran remnant forces strike several significant logistical targets in Merywyn, conducting the largest military operation in southern Llael since the end of the Llaelese War. These forces anticipate support from the Llaelese Resistance but do not receive it. As a consequence, Cygnar suffers heavy losses during these attacks and ultimately fails to loosen Khador’s grip on the capital.

13TH Llaelese Resistance forces under Ashlynn d’Elyse intercept a thrall horde headed toward Rhydden from the west — an engagement that prohibits them from supporting the Cygnaran offensive against Merywyn. Aided by elements of the Protectorate’s Northern Crusade, the Resistance pushes these Cryxian invaders back across the Black River. The motivations of the Cryxian army in the region remain unclear.

19TH At Severius’ direction, construction is completed on a large Menite temple in Rhydden, erected to accommodate agreements made by the locals in exchange for protection by the Northern Crusade.

23RD The once-fractured Free Order of the Golden Crucible officially relocates to the Ordic city of Midfast.



13TH Following an arduous reconstruction effort, including significant defensive improvements, Khadoran officials declare the city of Port Vladovar to have recovered from the previous year’s Cryxian attack.

22ND Information seized during a Mercarian League raid on the pirate vessel Duskrunner reveals a plot to murder a number of Cygnaran nobles and ranking members of the Morrowan clergy. Set to transpire on the anniversary of the Dark Ascension, the conspiracy involves Thamarite cultists in Clockers Cove, Highgate, Ceryl, and Five Fingers. Many of the documents are coded in Telgesh glyphs, however, resulting in delays in interpreting their content.

By the time Cygnaran officials will be able to act, many of the implicated septs will have dissolved and the perpetrators evaded capture.



17TH Exploiting a short-term alliance with Cylena Raefyll of the Nyss, Goreshade gathers intelligence on the blighted Legion in northern Khador — including the identification of Thagrosh as Everblight’s foremost general. Determined to meet Thagrosh face-to-face, Goreshade plots to deliver Cylena and her followers to the blighted ogrun as an offering. Cylena escapes, but Goreshade succeeds in delivering several of her followers and securing a meeting with Thagrosh. Goreshade reveals to the Legion the existence of a weakened dragon named Pyromalfic in the Castle of the Keys, southeast of Lake Scarleforth.

20TH While patrolling for Cryxian blackships alongside vessels of the Cygnaran Navy, the Ordic ships Shearwater and Star of Tarna are attacked and sunk by the Khadoran Navy.

24TH Ongoing combat in Sul has become an entrenched stalemate, due in part to the outside interference of smaller forces deployed by both Cryx and Khador. In response, Lord Commander Stryker begins an aggressive offensive against the Menite defenders, drawing on additional soldiers formerly stationed at Eastwall.

27TH A combined flotilla of Cygnaran and Ordic naval vessels discovers a Cryxian outpost on a small, uncharted island south of Cullenrock. Although the tower and its inhabitants are destroyed in the ensuing battle, allied casualties are high.

HOLIDAYS: Sulonsphar ceremonies in Sul see rocks and homemade explosives hurled from atop the wall toward Caspia; Cygnaran forces are ordered not to respond… EDUCATION: Corvis University introduces first formal Skorne Studies class but is forced to abandon lecture-based course after unspecified external pressure… ARTS: Board game based on the Scharde Invasions depicting Vinter Raelthorne in a positive light is banned in Cygnar… CRIME: Menites throughout Cygnar are targeted for abuses including destruction of businesses and assaults against priests…



7TH The Khadoran Navy defeats a Cygnaran armada at Blue Sands, near the city of Ceryl. This further escalates battles and tensions between these two navies with Ordic ships occasionally caught in the crossfire.

12TH Skorne forces seize the mining town of Ternon Crag and begin utilizing its industry to arm themselves for an impending invasion of western Immoren.

15TH In preparation for the first major assault on Northguard since Khador’s defeat in the final months of 606 AR, Kommandant Irusk begins the careful process of shifting his forces to Ravensgard without attracting the attention of southern spies. Kommander Karchev is kept on permanent alert at Ravensgard.

18TH Helt Langworth is named as aurum magnus, the leader of the Order of the Golden Crucible. Aurum Lucanum Creena Torcail is appointed as the primary liaison with the Ordic government and tasked to see to the fulfillment of Ordic military contracts.

19TH Tharn warriors in league with the Circle Orboros massacre Cygnaran soldiers at an encampment in the Bloodsmeath Marsh, south of Northguard.

21ST The United Kriels, led by the trollkin chieftain Madrak Ironhide, descend the Dragonspine Peaks to seize and occupy the fertile Crael Valley southeast of Bainsmarket, displacing Cygnaran farmers and ranchers in the area.

26TH The Old Witch makes use of soldiers of Khador’s Third Border Legion, commanded by Lieutenant Kommander Vojin Zavor, to engage elements of the Circle Orboros contesting territories within the Shadoweald forest. Circle forces are led by the blackclad Krueger the Stormwrath.



4TH Elements of an invading skorne army attack supply lines providing support to the Protectorate’s Northern Crusade. Losses are largely replenished by a number of Khadoran Menite defectors, traveling to Rhydden to join the Northern Crusade and bringing with them considerable equipment and food stores.

7TH Though King Leto Raelthorne had ordered his nobles to avoid escalating the conflict with Madrak’s trollkin followers, Duke Kielon Ebonhart IV and a large force of mercenaries under his employ assault the trollkin kriels in Cygnar’s Crael Valley. This initial assault fails, but Ebonhart’s forces continue to harass the trollkin for the next seven weeks.

10TH A large skorne army besieges the Cygnaran fortress of Eastwall, engaging in their largest and most highly coordinated assault since the Skorne Invasion of 603 AR.

13TH Legion forces led by the blighted Nyss warlock Lylyth Voassyr massacre the inhabitants of Horkov, a Khadoran town east of Fort Brunzig, and use their bodies to generate vast amounts of dragonspawn. These forces soon march south to support Thagrosh’s impending attack on Pyromalfic.

23RD The trollkin shaman Hoarluk Doomshaper seizes a Cygnaran Army hospital train car on the Market Line between Bainsmarket and Fharin. This action reinvigorates hostilities between Cygnar and the United Kriels and forces King Leto to retract his standing order not to engage the trollkin.

27TH A war council is held among the commanders of the skorne Army of the Western Reaches to discuss a significant change in plans. It is revealed that Supreme Archdominar Vinter Raelthorne, leader of the Skorne Empire, had ordered his armies to attack Fort Falk instead of Eastwall, as previously planned. The rebel Cygnaran warcaster Asheth Magnus strongly objects to the revised plan and questions its strategic wisdom, attempting to persuade Archdomina Makeda that this assault would be a grave mistake.

After learning of this exchange from his spies, Vinter Raelthorne will order Master Tormentor Morghoul to capture and interrogate Magnus on suspicion of treason.

ARTS: “Dark Ascension,” an infamous depiction of Thamar by classic portraitist Hernosh Vengyle, is defiled while on display at the Berck Museum… NATURE: Ordic researchers document unusually high waves on in Shearwater Narrows, fueling unfounded rumors of “monster awakenings” on the floor of the Meredius… HOLIDAYS: Shroudfall, a holiday normally enthusiastically celebrated by both Dhunians and Morrowans, has unusually subdued festivities in Cygnar. Limited participation blamed on tensions between humans and trollkin…



12TH A small Khadoran fleet threatens the Ordic city of Ceryl but is forced to flee upon the return of a Cygnaran flotilla that had been on patrol in the south.

14TH Circle forces led by Morvahna the Autumnblade destroy skorne-held mining and ironworking operations at a heavily defended ore processing plant northwest of Ternon Crag.

19TH The Battle of the Castle of the Keys — Seeking to gain access to Pyromalfic’s lair and force a confrontation with the dragon, Legion of Everblight forces under Thagrosh’s command assault a skorne fortification at the ruins of the Castle of the Keys. The Legion army had reached this position after traveling a great distance at incredible speed, including traveling under the Thornwood through a variety of forgotten tunnels before crossing into the Bloodstone Marches.

The battle between Everblight’s legion and the skorne quickly intensifies in scale when forces of the Circle Orboros join the fray. Tyrant Xerxis, in the midst of leading his troops from Eastwall to Fort Falk, arrives to reinforce the skorne. This three-way battle results in significant losses on all sides, the heaviest incurred by the Legion of Everblight. Nonetheless, Thagrosh’s army succeeds in provoking Pyromalfic from his lair, defeating the weakened dragon, and securing his athanc for absorption. The remnants of the Legion forces flee the battlefield with their prize, though pursued by a superior Circle army. The skorne are left in possession of the surrounding territory.

22ND A small contingent of a larger skorne army crosses the Black River north of the Marchfells. Storm Lances and trenchers deployed from Fort Falk to disrupt the skorne’s progress are quickly neutralized.

Led by Archdomina Makeda, the full skorne army will later arrive to besiege the fortress, forcing the area’s inhabitants to seek refuge behind the fort’s walls. While the skorne achieve some early successes in this siege, the Cygnaran Army reinforces the fortress, and the skorne are unable to hold the river’s west bank.

24TH Following a drastic reduction in skorne numbers at Ternon Crag, redeployed to support the siege of Fort Falk, trollkin and pygmy troll warriors commanded by Grissel Bloodsong and the bounty hunter Grim Angus attack the southeast portion of the town and liberate that area’s primarily trollkin population.

25TH While interrogating captives following a skirmish with forces of the Circle Orboros, Legion warlock Vayl Hallyr learns of an important site north of Scarleforth Lake known as the Bones of Orboros. Eager to cripple the Circle’s power and thus facilitate the Legion’s escape from the region, Vayl leads an elite team ahead of the main army to destroy the site’s standing stones.

26TH Master Tormentor Morghoul intercepts and tortures Asheth Magnus, seeking to force the warcaster to confess his betrayal of Vinter Raelthorne. Although this interrogation proves Magnus never betrayed his master, Morghoul’s torture dissolves Magnus’ remaining loyalty. This encounter also reveals Magnus’ belief that Vinter had intended for the skorne to fail in their attack on Fort Falk. Magnus and Morghoul conclude the human supreme archdominar feared the strength of the Army of the Western Reaches and sought to weaken them for his own purposes, counter to the future success of the Skorne Empire.

28TH Duke Ebonhart returns from his personal war against the trollkin of Crael Valley to take command of the forces defending Fort Falk from the besieging skorne. The skorne endure mounting losses amid several failed attacks. Based on direct orders from Supreme Archdominar Vinter Raelthorne to seize the fortress at all costs, Archdomina Makeda commits to this attack, despite its futility.

Soon after, Morghoul reveals to Makeda information obtained during his interrogation of Asheth Magnus. This forces Makeda to conclude that Vinter intends to reclaim his Cygnaran throne and has no interest in the prosperity of the Skorne Empire. Makeda withdraws her remaining forces to regroup at Balaash Fortress in Caerly’s Crag, leaving Duke Ebonhart to declare the battle a resounding victory for Cygnar.

POLITICS: The youngest son of Cygnar’s Lord Arthur Greyburn is abducted by gatormen following an attack on Greyburn’s private river vessel north of King’s Vine… CLIMATE: Unusually high rainfall leads to flooding in Volningrad and Korsk… ECONOMY: Due to the continued fighting in Sul, the annual Trade Alliance summit is relocated from Caspia to a Mercarian League compound in Mercir…



1ST The Circle Orboros seizes a pair of bridges spanning the Hawksmire River, allowing reinforcements mustering in the north to reach the area and assault their remaining enemies.

3RD Thagrosh, left vulnerable while absorbing Pyromalfic’s athanc, is surrounded by rapidly converging forces of the Circle Orboros at the Hawksmire River. Legion troops led by the twin warlocks Rhyas and Saeryn Shyvess break through the Circle’s defenses north of the Bones of Orboros to secure Thagrosh’s escape.

4TH Skorne forces attack elements of the Circle Orboros holding the area surrounding the Claysoil Wash, a river north of the Castle of the Keys. Though they suffer considerable casualties, the skorne regain control of this vital source of fresh water.

6TH Makeda formally renounces her loyalty to Vinter Raelthorne and denies his rightful authority over the skorne. She assembles the majority of the Army of the Western Reaches at Balaash Fortress and begins the long march across the Bloodstone Marches to confront Vinter at the Abyssal Fortress. Lord Tyrant Hexeris is left in charge of the western skorne fortifications and entrusted to maintain these holdings, despite their reduced garrisons.

11TH Khadoran soldiers seeking to disrupt Protectorate supply lines south of Llael unexpectedly encounter an entrenched skorne force farther north than they had ever previously been reported seen. After a brief but brutal engagement, the surviving Khadorans are allowed to flee.

14TH Saeryn and Vayl guide the weakened Thagrosh into a series of interconnected tunnels and caverns passing below Ios, which Everblight knows will take them across the length of that nation and into southern Rhul. To cover Thagrosh’s escape, Lylyth and Rhyas lead the remaining Legion infantry around the western border of Ios with the goal of reuniting with Thagrosh in Rhul. These surface forces endure the relentless pursuit of a Circle army led by Baldur the Stonecleaver and reinforced by Morvahna the Autumnblade.

16TH Lylyth ambushes and kills Baldur as he attempts to force her army toward a site known as the Ring of Willows, where he had hoped to arrange her ambush by Bradigus Thorle the Runecarver. The wold construct Megalith remains behind to safeguard Baldur’s remains.

19TH During an excursion into Sul, Lord Commander Coleman Stryker confronts Feora, the Priestess of the Flame. Their battle results in the destruction of a Menite temple, and the lord commander remains behind with his warjacks to save a number of Protectorate civilians from the collapsing structure. This action leads to his own severe injury. The unconscious warcaster is brought back to the Cygnaran lines by an unusually autonomous Ironclad nicknamed Ol’ Rowdy, after which he is given over to Morrowan priests at the Sancteum in Caspia to recover.

26TH Knowing the Vault of Nyssor had been secured beneath Katrinska Cathedral in Korsk, the eldritch Goreshade infiltrates the Khadoran capital. He slaughters the Precursor Knights guarding the cathedral exterior as well as a group of dedicated Nyss guardians keeping vigil around their frozen god.
After thawing the vault with the Torch of Khazarak, Goreshade reveals he is bent on deicide, believing the presence of Nyssor and Scyrah on Caen to be responsible for the ills of the Iosan people. He attempts to murder Nyssor with his blade Bloodcleaver, which shatters. Goreshade takes up Nyssor’s sword, Voass, but is unable to slay the god of winter before Khadoran soldiers arrive and force him to flee. Koldun Kommander Aleksandra Zerkova leads the forces securing the cathedral and claims both the frozen vault and the Torch of Khazarak for the Greylords Covenant. She is unaware of the contents of the vault but accurately deduces it is an occult find of great significance.

The mage hunter Eiryss, informed by Cylena Raefyll of Goreshade’s approach to the capital, ambushes the eldritch. She is defeated and wounded; however, Goreshade spares her life and tells her to return to Ios to inform the Retribution of Scyrah of what she has witnessed.



9TH Joined by High Executioner Reznik, Protectorate forces under Severius’ command assault a Khadoran army led by Great Prince Vladimir Tzepesci. The Khadorans had been moving to intercept Severius’ interdiction, having learned it was en route to besiege Khadoran-occupied Leryn. After an intense battle marked by numerous casualties on both sides, Tzepesci’s forces are eventually routed.

14TH Aided by several Menites among the ranking Greylords controlling Leryn, Severius’ army takes control of the Khadoran-occupied city without battle. Grand Scrutator Severius subsequently declares Leryn the seat of the Northern Crusade and imposes Temple law, making a grisly example of the Koldun lord who governed the city by burning him alive in the town square.

17TH Emboldened by Hierarch Voyle’s decision to personally lead the attack on Caspia, Protectorate forces that had previously been bogged down manage to pierce Cygnaran defenses at the Black River Courtyard and penetrate the city.

26TH Second Battle of Northguard — After weeks of probing attacks on the outer defenses of the Cygnaran fortress of Northguard, the Khadoran Army launches a full assault on the fortress. Joined by Kommander Karchev and Forward Kommander Kratikoff, Supreme Kommandant Irusk coordinates the attack, making use of intelligence gathered in the previous year’s attack. Amid an engagement across the Cygnaran trench line, a small group of Khadorans penetrates Cygnaran defenses to sabotage a central powder storage and thereby compromise the fortress’ outer walls, which are soon breached.

Cygnaran defenders under the command of General Nemo and Major Haley are overwhelmed and forced to withdraw. Irusk and Karchev subsequently secure Northguard’s central keep and confront Lord General Hagan Cathmore, who refuses to surrender. Karchev kills the lord general, a descendant of the warcaster who had defeated him at the Battle of the Tongue in the First Thornwood War of 510–511 AR.

27TH Believing Doomshaper’s unchecked aggression is jeopardizing the United Kriels’ continued survival, trollkin elders facilitate his capture by Cygnaran agents in exchange for a cessation of aggression against Crael Valley and the Gnarls.

POLITICS: Corvis sees an influx of refugees from Ternon Crag following the town’s skorne occupation and increasing outbreaks of panner’s pox… RELIGION: Thousands gather in Imer to witness Hierarch Voyle’s departure for Sul… CRIME: Mercenary investigators find evidence of a killer striking in Ord, Llael, and Khador; each victim found with Llaelese coin in stomach… ECONOMY: Mercir is struck by a massive storm, causing considerable damage to the city’s shipping interests…



5TH Stryker recovers sufficiently from his injuries to rejoin the ongoing battle in Sul.

9TH In an effort to prevent forces based out of Eastwall from lending support to Caspia, Magnus’ agents engage in a diversionary assault against the Cygnaran fortress. A secondary motive for Magnus launching this attack is to cover his own covert entrance into Caspia in search of Vinter’s heir.

13TH Kommander Orsus Zoktavir, already besieging the city of Fellig, defies orders to launch an ill-advised assault on the city. Despite being greatly outnumbered, the offensive nearly succeeds but ultimately costs the lives of most of his men. Having earlier been dispatched by Irusk to lend support to the siege, Forward Kommander Sorscha Kratikoff arrives to find a wounded Zoktavir surrounded by sword knights outside the city, and she abandons him to his fate. Zoktavir is presumed killed in action.

In truth, though grievously wounded, the Khadoran warcaster survives and soon wanders in a delirium out of the Thornwood and into eastern Ord, where he will be nursed back to health by an orphaned child employed at a nearby manor.

18TH Informed of Orin Midwinter’s presence in Corvis by Bolden Rebald, Captain Allister Caine captures and questions Midwinter in hopes of discovering the location of Vinter‘s heir — information also possessed by another former inquisitor in the city. Caine arrives too late to prevent Asheth Magnus from securing the heir‘s whereabouts and murdering this informant. Magnus outwits Caine in this confrontation and nearly succeeds in killing the gun mage before making his escape.

19TH After being separated from the main Cygnaran column while retreating through the Thornwood, Major Haley is surrounded and nearly captured by Khadoran forces hunting her down. The Cygnaran warcaster is unexpectedly rescued by her now-undead twin sister, Wraith Witch Deneghra.

24TH The final battles of the Caspia-Sul War result in several dramatic reversals. Protectorate forces led by Hierarch Voyle breach Caspia’s inner defenses, shattering numerous armed gatehouses protecting the city’s interior. Primarch Arius of the Church of Morrow orders the Sancteum’s soldiers to join in the defense alongside the Cygnaran Army. King Leto Raelthorne arms for battle and also joins the war effort, eventually confronting Hierarch Voyle in a clash that results in the king’s severe injury.

As Protectorate forces close on a gatehouse protecting a major residential district, Lord Commander Stryker attempts to negotiate with Hierarch Voyle to buy time to evacuate. The lord commander offers to turn over hundreds of Menite Cygnaran citizens who had formerly been imprisoned and who desired to join the Protectorate, asking in exchange for a temporary cease-fire. Voyle refuses this offer and instead orders an attack on the battlements where those Cygnaran Menites await, killing many of them.

High Paladin Dartan Vilmon intervenes to protect these unarmed civilians and is himself struck down by the hierarch, at which point the Harbinger martyrs herself to save his life, accepting his injury to her own flesh. The sight of the Harbinger’s blood on his hands incites Voyle to a furious attack against the Cygnaran lord commander. In the ensuing melee, Stryker recovers the Harbinger’s holy sword and wields it against the Protectorate hierarch, striking him down. Some will later interpret this as tangible proof that the hierarch had lost Menoth’s favor. Demoralized, the Protectorate army withdraws to Sul and eventually agrees to a lasting cessation of hostilities between the adjacent cities.

ECONOMY: Overcrowding in Corvis following a strengthened military presence and a massive influx of war refugees leads to food shortages in northwestern Cygnaran… ARTS: A massive statue of Menoth by sculptor Sivasha Vilitska in Cherov-on-Dron, allegedly begun on the first day of the Caspia-Sul war, is completed the day of Hierarch Voyle’s death… HOLIDAYS: In the aftermath of the Caspia-Sul War, Tenfest celebrations throughout Cygnar are marked by an extreme anti-Protectorate sentiment…



3RD Summoned by the captive warlock, a force of earthborn and dire trolls free Hoarluk Doomshaper from a fortress where he had been imprisoned near the Gnarls.

5TH Madrak Ironhide and Borka Kegslayer, having left Crael Valley days earlier to rescue Doomshaper, discover he has already escaped. Once they track him down, Madrak agrees to fight alongside Doomshaper against the humans who wronged them and to discover who among the trollkin elders betrayed him. Madrak chooses to stay away from his own people in order to free himself from the axe Rathrok, the curse of which he believes has brought them nothing but ill fortune.

9TH Madrak, Borka, and Doomshaper ambush and massacre a Cygnaran Army column passing through the Gnarls. Madrak hopes this will prevent these armed forces from interfering with his people to the east. He is unaware this column represents only minor reinforcements marching to join the siege of Crael Valley by Cygnar’s 4th Army.

12TH Amon ad Raza and the Testament of Menoth launch a fast strike from Tower Judgment against several skorne slaving and occult experimentation operations nearby.

16TH The Battle for Crael Valley — After a short siege, Cygnar’s 4th Army succeeds in driving the trollkin from Crael Valley. The trollkin defenders — led by Grissel Bloodsong, Grim Angus, and Calandra Truthsayer — manage to inflict a heavy toll on the Cygnarans before withdrawing to the Gnarls with the survivors of Chief Ironhide’s kriels.

This attack is the result of a secret conspiracy of northern Cygnaran nobles loyal to Vinter Raelthorne IV, who have used their influence on the 4th Army to provoke the battle after receiving intelligence from the criminal Saxon Orrik. These nobles are exploiting political unrest in the north to demonstrate their willingness to address problems King Leto is apparently unwilling to solve, such as the trollkin uprising. As part of this conspiracy, commanding officers of the 4th Army ensure the bulk of their considerable casualties are suffered by Leto loyalists among both the rank-and-file and the junior officers.



17TH While pursuing the Old Witch into the Vescheneg Headlands of Khador at Omnipotent Dahlekov’s behest, Krueger the Stormwrath is lured away from his forces and defeated. Sparing his life, the Old Witch speaks to Krueger of the dangers represented by Toruk’s spawn and tells him to study an artifact known as the Wyrmstone, held by Dahlekov. Krueger subsequently steals the Wyrmstone to study its writings.



7TH A small Retribution task force penetrates a Greylords Covenant outpost, seeking intelligence regarding its members. Documents the Iosans retrieve will soon lead them to discover a Greylord investigation of Koldun Kommander Zerkova, who is suspected of running clandestine activities and her own secret bases. This evidence will eventually lead to the hypothesis that Zerkova is in possession of the Vault of Nyssor and provide the Retribution with the Vault’s most probable location.



4TH After studying the Wyrmstone, Krueger the Stormwrath confirms the identity of Everblight and learns the dragon is not allied with the other dragons in a pact against Lord Toruk. Defying the orders of all three ruling omnipotents of the Circle Orboros, Krueger begins to gather his army for a trek into the Wyrmwall Mountains, seeking an audience with the dragon Blighterghast.

14TH Vinter, aware that Makeda has defied his command and even now marches on the Abyssal Fortress, orders Saxon Orrik to ingratiate himself to the skorne under her rule and to operate as a double agent.

26TH Krueger reveals to Blighterghast the details surrounding Everblight’s attack on Pyromalfic, a member of the dragon alliance against Toruk. In doing so, Krueger hopes to provoke the other dragons to battle the Legion of Everblight.

27TH Having by now recovered from the effects of absorbing Pyromalfic’s athanc, Thagrosh successfully emerges into southern Rhul after his six-month journey. Everblight takes advantage of the transitional state of his athanc to spawn the unique dragonspawn Typhon from a small athanc shard. Not long thereafter, Thagrosh senses through his athanc shard Blighterghast summoning the other dragons, presumably to arrange for Everblight’s destruction.

NATURE: Unusually high numbers of rare flower known as Orellius’ Bloom discovered in foothills of the Wyrmwall Mountains…POLITICS: Fire ravages a Northern Crusade barracks in the Llaelese city of Bexlyfe, later attributed to arson by Khadoran sympathizers… ECONOMY: Trollkin raiders seize a convoy of food and supplies intended to alleviate shortages in northern Cygnar…

