Disease Name Generator

Secrets of Five Fingers

Rafão Araujo
Reduto do Bucaneiro
3 min readMar 11, 2021


Five Fingers is an utterly dirty and filthy place where diseases of all types run rampant. Instead of saying an NPC has “a cough”, scare the mechanika pants off your players with a name pulled from this generator. The following tables supplement the disease rules on page 152 of Five Fingers: Port of Deceit.

To quickly generate a disease name, roll d% twice. The first result is the descriptor from List 1, and the second is the symptom, from List 2. If the result isn’t euphonic or is too nonsensical, give it a tweak or just roll again.


d% Symptom
1. [Island name]
2. [District name]
3. Aftcastle
4. Barking
5. Bayward
6. Beggar’s
7. Bilge
8. Bilious
9. Black
10. Blackpenny
11. Boatman’s
12. Bodger’s
13. Bogrin’s
14. Boiling
15. Bosun’s
16. Burning
17. Calder’s
18. Cantankerous
19. Captain’s
20. Chattering
21. Cheap
22. Churchie’s
23. Cook’s
24. Crooked
25. Dainty
26. Debtor’s
27. Dicer’s
28. Drunkard’s
29. Drunken
30. Dry
31. Enforcer’s
32. Errant
33. Filthy
34. Fisher’s
35. Forecastle
36. Gaffer’s
37. Gambler’s
38. Gobber’s
39. Greasy
40. Grinning
41. Groaning
42. Growling
43. Haggard
44. Half-head’s
45. Half-penny
51. Laris’
52. Leeward
53. Liar’s
54. Lorgskon
55. Low tide
56. Lusty
57. Junker’s
58. Manky
59. Merchant’s
60. Midnight
61. Moaning
62. Mongrel
63. Mucker’s
64. Oily
65. Pale
66. Ragged
67. Radiz
68. Rakish
69. Rickety
70. Rigs
71. Riveter’s
72. Rocky
73. Rowan’s
74. Rusty
75. Rynnish
76. Sailor’s
77. Salacious
78. Salty
79. Sangre
80. Scarlet
81. Silent
82. Sinari
83. Singing
84. Slattern’s
85. Sleazy
86. Smokey
87. Squalling
88. Squealing
89. Squelching
90. Steamo’s
91. Stinking
92. Three-day
93. Thundering
94. Thurian
95. Tillman’s
96. Tordoran
97. Trickling
98. Trollop’s
99. Uiske
100. Winking


d% Symptom
1. Ache
2. Blight
3. Blink
4. Blisters
5. Blot
6. Breezes
7. Buboes
8. Burn
9. Cheek
10. Cold
11. Cough
12. Clap
13. Creak
14. Creases
15. Creeps
16. Crick
17. Cries
18. Cups
19. Curse
20. Debts
21. Dots
22. Drips
23. Drops
24. Dues
25. Dust
26. Embrace
27. Fervor
28. Fever
29. Flakes
30. Flu
31. Flux
32. Foible
33. Foot
34. Gasp
35. Glares
36. Gripe
37. Grippe
38. Groans
39. Growths
40. Grumbles
41. Gut
42. Hand
43. Hacks
44. Haunt
45. Heaves
46. Heel
47. Hives
48. Jig
49. Jitter
50. Kicks
51. Kiss
52. Lesions
53. Lilt
54. Lip
55. List
56. Lope
57. Malady
58. Malaise
59. Measles
60. Melange
61. Moans
62. Moorings
63. Mumps
64. Musk
65. Must
66. Pip
67. Pox
68. Plague
69. Rash
70. Rigs
71. Runs
72. Sails
73. Shakes
74. Shambles
75. Shingles
76. Shuffle
77. Sighs
78. Slough
79. Sneezes
80. Soils
81. Sores
82. Snot
83. Spew
84. Spots
85. Squeak
86. Stripes
87. Taint
88. Tears
89. Teeth
90. Throat
91. Tingle
92. Toe
93. Touch
94. Tremors
95. Twitch
96. Vein
97. Warts
98. Welts
99. Wheezes
100. Winks

Fonte: No Quarter 19

