Dragões de Caen

Arquivos dos Reinos de Ferro — NQ63

Rafão Araujo
Reduto do Bucaneiro
10 min readMay 20, 2021


Lore on dragons is scarce and scattered with many gaps. Gathering legends from cultures across Immoren allows a timeline to emerge tracing some of their movements. Dragons are immortal, sometimes vanishing for centuries. Recently multiple dragons have been reported flying above Immoren, provoking dread in all who witness them.


Not all the names of Toruk’s progeny are known, some having been forgotten or never spoken of among the races of Immoren. The exact number of progeny is unknown. The Circle Orboros has access to an ancient inscribed relic called the Wyrmstone, said to be the most comprehensive collection of draconic names, but few besides its omnipotents have deciphered its cryptic runes. Dragons acquire numerous names and epithets over the centuries.

Ashnephos — Twin of Charsaug, Erdross’ Get, Giant’s Bane, Lava Bringer, Scoria
Blighterghast — Seether, Old Ravager, Boiler of Seas, Wyrmwall Serpent, Blackship Bane
Charsaug — Twin of Ashnephos, Erdross’ Get, the Mountain Shadow, Sundrinker
Chimera — the Shapeless, the Forgotten
Erdross — Oceandrinker, Burner of the Seas, Baleblight, Bemoth’s Curse
Gaulvang — Galvaug, Despoiler, Townender, Ashen King
Everblight — Ethrunbal (Iosan), Bane of Issyrah, Shadow of Morrdh, the
Unseen, Betrayer
Halfaug — Wyrmlich, Frostfire, the Frost Mother, the Preserver, Old Hoarfrost, Glyssingfor (Nyss)
Nektor — Terror of Thelborn, Incendus, the Lurker Below
Nidoboros — The Favored, Everflaem, Farsear, Lord of the Howling Wastes
Pyromalfic — Corpsefeaster, Shining One, Grymvane (Iosan), the Poison Seed
Scaefang — Soul Eater, Ravager, Lord of the Black, Scylfangen (Rhulic), the Stone that Burns
Shazkz — the White Dragon, White Mother, Scalebringer, the Sacrifice
Toruk — Dragonfather, God of Caen, Eldest, the Black Wyrm, Lord Toruk, Font of All Blight



Toruk the Dragonfather is alleged to have flown across the skies of Caen before life arose, before land rose from turbulent seas, and before the cycle of seasons were established by the primal gods. No one knows how ancient Toruk may be, though he seems to have existed for thousands of years. It is impossible to confirm whether or not he predates life on Caen.

Some Dhunian myths say the Devourer Wurm created Toruk alongside other scaled beasts. Blackclad druids of the Circle Orboros deny this myth and insist the Dragonfather has no place in Caen’s natural cycles. Blackclads say dragons are powerful, intelligent beings that are not truly alive. This organization has studied dragons more closely and for longer than any other group, but even they do not know when and how Toruk came to be.

What is known is that the vast draconic body of Toruk is a corporeal vessel containing a crystalline heartstone — the athanc that is the core of Toruk’s being.


Toruk divides his athanc into numerous shards, each growing into a powerful dragon. Though created to serve Toruk, these progeny rebel. In a battle that set the skies afire, Toruk proved his superiority by defeating them all and sent them scattering across Caen. The dragon Everblight did not participate in this clash. Toruk eventually begins hunting his progeny to consume their athancs. Little is known of Toruk’s earliest hunts or the names of the dragons he defeated.

Ancient human historical documents place this event at 3500 BR, though this has been refuted. More reliable Rhulic records describe dragon sightings as early as 5500 BR.

~5300–4800 BR

The now-lost “Beladal Eddas,” poems passed by word of mouth, describe the wyrm Nidoboros and its battles with its brothers and sisters, wherein it consumed several and grew into a mighty “blighted serpent,” greater than all others. Some tales of Nidoboros describe it consuming itself in a cycle of destruction and rebirth.

~4000 BR

One of Toruk’s progeny, identity unknown, is caught in the supernatural cataclysm caused by the collapse of the Bridge of Worlds in eastern Immoren. While this cataclysm obliterated the elven Empire of Lyoss and changed the geography and climate of Caen, the dragon survived. Its athanc was permanently damaged, altered so severely that this dragon became the Chimera, an ever-changing monster dwelling in the Abyss.


~3500–3000 BR

Everblight takes interest in the ancient kingdom of Morrdh and the lairs beneath its capital, eventually entering into an arrangement with the ruling Lords of Morrdh. Everblight lends dragonspawn to Morrdh’s armies, helping expand their territories.

~2900–2800 BR

In eastern Immoren, the giants of Bemoth defeat Erdross. After many futile attempts to destroy its athanc, the peerless giant Hekor shatters his sword against the athanc but splits it in half. The giants hurl the two shards into a volcano, giving rise to two dragons — Ashnephos and Charsaug — who plague Bemoth thereafter.

~2600 BR

Nektor is offended by an offering made by a chieftain of Thelborn and in retaliation razes the island, reducing its villages to ashes.

~2300 BR

A legendary battle is fought between Halfaug and Kossite King Javosk Descra and his family. The gorge, where Dragovich Hall is eventually built, is carved from the earth by the dragon during this battle. After many are slain, Halfaug retreats into the frozen north.

~2100–2000 BR

An aggressive Iosan sect serving Pyromalfic seizes the fortress now referred to as the Castle of the Keys, which was once occupied by now-forgotten warlords. The dragon creates a lair beneath the fortress complex.


~1800 BR

Everblight’s dragonspawn draw the attention of Toruk, who attacks his progeny. While wounded, Everblight flees Morrdh with Toruk in pursuit, flying near the lair of Nektor, successfully distracting Toruk. Nektor is destroyed while Everblight escapes and dives into Blindwater Lake, burrowing into its bottom to hide and recover from his wounds.

~1700–1500 BR

Gaulvang destroys a number of towns and villages across Midar, Ryn, and Umbrey for reasons unknown before retreating deep within its lair in the Kovosk Hills.

~1640 BR

Toruk defeats Shazkz in a clash high above the island of Satyx. The blighted blood of Shazkz rained down upon this island and transformed its once-human inhabitants into the Satyxis.

1387 BR

Toruk defeats and consumes the athanc of the dragon Gaulvang.

1270 BR

Nidoboros, the greatest of Toruk’s progeny, confronts the Dragonfather. Zevanna Agha claims this champion gave its life to prove to the rest that Toruk could be hurt and therefore destroyed. Toruk was badly injured in this clash but cast Nidoboros down.

Several other dragons are drawn to the clash and their presence prompts Toruk to leave before claiming the fallen dragon’s athanc, which is instead secured by the Old Witch. This athanc is sealed within an elaborate contraption and hidden deep below Hellspass, where a secret order of Rhulfolk tends to its machinery.

~1000 BR

Blighterghast convenes a gathering of Toruk’s surviving progeny and convinces them to ally together and attack the Dragonfather. Coordinating their efforts, this alliance drives Toruk from the mainland.

The Dragonfather settles in the Scharde Islands, founding the Nightmare Empire of Cryx. Blighterghast takes up vigil in the Wyrmwall Mountains, watching against his return. The dragons vow to confront their creator should this happen. Everblight is not a part of this alliance.

~930–800 BR

Everblight emerges from Blindwater and travels to the Skybridge Mountains, from which he observes the living gods of the Divine Court of Ios eventually leaving that land. Taking an interest in studying the Iosans, Everblight begins to experiment with manipulating their minds from a distance.

800–670 BR

Halfaug initiates a cycle of unpredictable attacks on northern tribes, terrorizing Kossites, Ruscar, Skirov, Vindol, and the Nyss. This gives rise to an unprecedented alliance of elves and humans that eventually succeeds in wounding the dragon and driving it north into the wastes.

780 BR

Lich Lord Desiccus, Cryx’s master of draconic lore, attempts to assault Blighterghast’s lair and is destroyed in the process. His responsibilities fall to Venethrax.

669 BR

Lich Lord Venethrax leads an army in pursuit of Halfaug into the Blackice Mountains. Venethrax manages to corner and confront the wounded dragon, but his army is obliterated; the lich lord is forced to retreat before he can finish Halfaug. The dragon moves deeper into the frozen north to recuperate.


538 BR

Orgoth ships — sent from Drer Drakkerung on Garlghast to secure additional territories of the Scharde Islands — provoke the ire of Lord Toruk. Emerging from Skell for the first time since that city was built, Toruk obliterates this fleet as a lesson to the Orgoth, who never again attempt to expand their island holdings.

390 BR

Three unidentified dragons are spotted flying in close proximity over the Fenn Marsh, Sandbottom Point, and Eyewall Bay before veering south and disappearing over the horizon. This is described as a fell omen by both trollkin and gatormen mystics in the region.

370 BR

The Orgoth defeat an unknown dragon near Vroggen. Its athanc is brought to a temple in that city, but it soon reforms its body and annihilates its captors before escaping. Some have theorized this atypically small dragon was a remnant of Gaulvang, arisen from a lost shard of that dragon’s athanc that was not consumed by Toruk. The fate of this “dragon hatchling” is unknown, but writings from this incident assist human understanding of dragon athancs and their apparent imperishability.

230 BR

An Orgoth expedition into the Castle of the Keys decimates the Iosan cult devoted to Pyromalfic but is defeated by the dragon. A fragment of an Orgoth tome detailing this encounter suggests the dragon was somehow poisoned or cursed.

140 BR

During the Rivening in Ios, Everblight burrows beneath the abandoned Fane of the goddess Ayisla in the city of Issyrah and begins experimenting on captured Iosans by exposing them to his blight.

105 BR–502 AR

Scaefang prowls the northern reaches of Rhul, incinerating those it encounters. Periodic clashes take place between Rhulfolk and this dragon in the following centuries. The cities of Griddenguard and Groddenguard are increasingly fortified as a refuge against the dragon. All expeditions to slay the dragon fail, though it withdraws into a chasm called the Foundation in 502 AR and is not witnessed for over a century.


215 AR

Numerous villages in southwestern Cygnar react in terror to Blighterghast flying overhead. Witnesses spot the dragon obliterating pirate ships and one or more Cryxian blackships along the beaches of Eyewall Bay, possibly representing a thwarted invasion.

390–375 AR

Everblight is discovered below Issyrah, prompting the Iosans to send armed forces into the fane. This provokes the dragon to rise and attack the city while additional Iosan military forces rush to the defense of the city. Though Everblight is eventually defeated, Issyrah is destroyed. Everblight’s athanc is sealed and sent away — first to Mount Shyleth Breen, then to a peak in remote northern Khador near the Shard Spires.

605 AR

The ogrun Thagrosh is drawn to the mountain where Everblight’s athanc was hidden and is compelled to recover the stone and insert it into his heart, becoming a blighted warlock. With the help of the sorceress Vayl Hallyr, Thagrosh blights the wells of the Nyss. Blighted Nyss set upon non-blighted ones in a clash that brings about the near annihilation of their culture and the birth of the Legion of Everblight. Thagrosh uses the Morrdhic weapon, Rapture, to divide Everblight’s athanc and create additional warlocks.


Battle at the Castle of the Keys is fought; the Legion of Everblight defeats Pyromalfic and takes his athanc, which is swallowed by Thagrosh, Prophet of Everblight.


After an encounter with Zevanna Agha, Krueger Stormwrath steals the Wyrmstone from Omnipotent Dahlekov and deciphers its writings. Krueger defies all three omnipotents and meets with Blighterghast in the Wyrmwall Mountains. He informs the dragon that Everblight has attacked the dragon alliance by consuming Pyromalfic, a member. Krueger and Blighterghast enter an accord. Shortly thereafter, Blighterghast summons the other dragons of the alliance to warn them of the threat of Everblight.

608–EARLY 609 AR

Lich Lord Venethrax learns from Lich Lord Malathrax of the existence of a disembodied athanc preserved beneath Hellspass — it is the essence of Nidoboros. Venethrax travels there and secures this athanc together with the machinery containing it, creating a slow conveyance with which to return it to Cryx. The military column escorting this prize attempts to bypass the Thornwood using subterranean passages but is thwarted by an earthquake invoked by the Circle Orboros. Pursued by warlocks of the Legion of Everblight, the Cryxians are forced to divide their forces, and this leaves them vulnerable for an attack by the Cygnaran Army. The Cryxians are defeated and the athanc machinery is seized by the Cygnaran, placed on a riverboat, and sent south, intended to be secured at a fortress deep in Cygnar’s interior.


Scaefang attacks and destroys a skorne fortress at the Castle of the Keys. Halfaug is seen flying in the vicinity. These dragons may have been investigating the location where Pyromalfic was defeated.


Attracted by the presence of powerful blight, Charsaug is drawn to a spawning ritual conducted by several of Everblight’s warlocks. The first archangels are created from the bones of Pyromalifc during this ritual, and as especially large dragonspawn, they closely resemble the dragons themselves. Everblight dispatches a force, led by his warlock Lylyth together with the archangels, to intercept the intruding dragon. While Charsaug is only lightly wounded, he flees the area, apparently unnerved by the unknown power of these unusual dragonspawn and the blighted army utilizing them.


Krueger’s involvement with Blighterghast deepens as they devise a plan to combine dragon blight with the ley lines of the Circle Orboros in order to reveal the locations of Everblight’s warlocks, which can then be destroyed by the dragons. This requires the coordination of the allied dragons, several of which are tasked with carving complex patterns in the earth at key locations, scarring the face of Caen with intense blight. Krueger does not reveal his plans to others in the Circle Orboros, knowing they would not approve of damaging the ley lines even if this facilitated the destruction of Everblight, their greatest enemy.

After Charsaug’s battle with the archangels, he threatens to withdraw from the plan unless the gargantuan dragonspawn are destroyed. Krueger meets with Charsaug and Ashnephos and reveals the scope of his plan, previously only known to Blighterghast, convincing these eastern dragons to cooperate.

