Personalidades, Falhas e Tiques de Gigantes

Entendendo a personalidade de um Gigante

Rafão Araujo
Reduto do Bucaneiro
16 min readMar 17, 2021


In order for steamjacks to operate, they require highly advanced cortexes to function as their brain. These marvels of mechanikal ingenuity allow ’jacks to think and operate on par with other intelligent beings, at least in terms of the narrow range of skills required for their intended purpose. This includes understanding and executing the verbal commands of their handlers and determining friend from foe as well as gross motor skills like walking while avoiding objects. It is no wonder that its cortex makes up a substantial portion of the cost of a steamjack, as without one it is an empty steam-powered iron shell.

Performing the same duties day in and day out causes permanent imprinting on a ’jack cortex similar to memories in a living being, allowing the’jack to learn. Time, damage, and repetition have a way of corrupting cortexes, however, especially in the lower grades. Without constant monitoring and repair, a steamjack may develop quirks and flaws in its cortex, which translates to particular behavior.

Described here are three different levels of quirks you can incorporate into the steamjacks of your Iron Kingdoms campaign, each with its own impact.

Acquiring Quirks

Higher-grade cortexes are more stable than lower-grade ones and are considerably less likely to experience severe quirks. Some quirks develop naturally over time, but they can also emerge as a result of other factors. Being forced to perform highly unusual tasks (such as a labor ’jack ordered to fight) might prompt a quirk to develop. Long exposure to an eccentric operator sometimes prompts quirks as a behavior modification. Quirks can also arise from a ’jack suffering damage, whether damage to its sensory apparatus or severe jolts that affect the integrity of the cortex itself or its connection to the systems. Any of these factors can prompt quirks to develop more quickly than they would from age alone.

Once a cortex develops two noncontradictory minor quirks, it will typically not develop more. Thus, an affected cortex generally displays a specific attitude, particularly as its minor quirks later worsen.

Cortex Grade — Quirk Accumulation Chance

Nearly guaranteed after 5 years of service
(20% cumulative chance per year).
Major: Every 5 years there is a 25% chance a minor quirk will worsen to major. After 25 years a cupernum-grade cortex will likely have a major quirk. Severe: Every 5 years there is a 10% chance a major quirk will become severe. A cupernum cortex in service for over 75 years is almost guaranteed to have a severe quirk.

Nearly guaranteed after 10 years of service (10% cumulative chance per year).
Major: Every 10 years there is a 20% chance a minor quirk will worsen. After 60 years of service a ferrum-grade cortex will likely have a major quirk. Severe: Every 10 years there is a 20% chance a major quirk will worsen. After 110 years a ferrum-grade cortex can be expected to have a severe quirk.

Minor: Almost guaranteed after 20 years of service (5% cumulative chance per year).
Major: Every 10 years there is a 10% chance a minor quirk will worsen. After 120 years of service an aurum-grade cortex will likely have a major quirk. Severe: Every 10 years there is a 20% chance a major quirk will worsen. After 170 years an aurum-grade can be expected to have a severe quirk.

Minor: Almost guaranteed after 25 years of service (4% cumulative chance per year).
Major: Every 10 years there is an 8% chance a minor quirk will worsen. After 150 years an arcanum-grade cortex will likely have a major quirk.
Severe: Every 10 years there is a 10% chance a major quirk will worsen. After 250 years an arcanum-grade cortex can be expected to have a severe quirk.

Cortex Wiping and Quirks

In order to prevent ’jacks from acquiring quirks, arcane mechaniks rely on cortex wiping to restore cortexes to their “factory ready” state. Wiping a cortex is an expensive and involved process requiring the temporary deactivation of the ’jack so that its cortex can be removed, attended to by a highly skilled specialist, and then reinstalled.

The Fraternal Order of Wizardry has the most experience with this procedure of any nonmilitary organization. They charge up to 20% of the original cost of the cortex grade but can guarantee a cortex will be clean of quirks at the end of the process. Particularly old or physically damaged cortexes may still suffer unavoidable problems that wiping cannot fix, such as lowered operational intelligence. Other individuals or organizations offer less expensive cortex wipes but are less likely to be able to wipe out all quirks entirely.

Because cortex wipes also eliminate ingrained patterns necessary for a ’jack to become better at its job, most ’jack handlers see it as a measure of last resort. Even quirks affecting performance can be worked around in most cases. It not uncommon for an old labor ’jack to go to the junkyard without ever undergoing a cortex wipe. For that reason almost any ’jack in service for a substantial period of time can be expected to have picked up a few quirks.
A GM wanting to add some individuality to a labor ’jack or warjack PCs own or are in contact with can simply choose a few quirks from the list below or roll for them randomly according to the following table. When rolling for quirks, take initial results as permanent and ignore any new results that contradict them.

Minor Quirks

Minor quirks are trivial flaws that give the ’jack a form of personality. They have no impact on the ’jack’s game statistics or the controller’s ’Jack Handling skill checks.

% — Minor Quirks

1–5 Angry. The ’jack seems to simmer with hostility. It moves aggressively and can seem threatening or intimidating to strangers. This trait is less a problem with warjacks but can become dangerous with laborjacks if left unchecked, leading to the Explosive major quirk.

6–10 Caring. The ’jack seems fond of its owner and those associated with its owner (e.g., the Cygaran Army). It prefers being in close proximity to its owner and becomes listless if it finds itself out of sight of those who are familiar. If not repaired, this minor quirk leads to the Protective major quirk.

11–15 Cold. Although any ’jack can be considered emotionless, a ’jack with the Cold quirk cares nothing for the fate of others. It does what it is told and nothing else. This quirk must be repaired before the ’jack can be bonded with a warcaster. If left unrepaired, this minor quirk leads to the Cruel major quirk.

16–20 Distracted. The ’jack is easily distracted by shiny objects, strange people, or unusual noises. It has a tendency to wander off or stare off at nearby moving things instead of performing the task on hand. If left unrepaired, this minor quirk leads to the Spacey major quirk.

21–25 Excited. The ’jack acts energetic and brims with a “can-do” attitude. Unfortunately, this manifests in an inability to remain still for long, and a ’jack can become frustrated and agitated if it runs out of fuel or does not have any orders to carry out. If left unrepaired, this minor quirk leads to the Exuberant major quirk.

26–30 Focused. The ’jack performs its primary function with singleminded dedication. It gives additional time and care to make sure the job is done right the first time. Most owners are overjoyed with their ’jack acquires this quirk, but if unrepaired, it leads to the Compulsive major quirk.

31–35 Friendly. The ’jack seems to enjoy being around people. It may walk closer to clusters of people without prompting, particularly where people are talking. It might emulate human gestures, which can be dangerous if it tries to “shake hands” or give someone a friendly pat. If left unrepaired, this minor quirk leads to the Needy major quirk.

36–40 Gun-shy. The ’jack is startled by loud noises, bright lights, or violent situations. It avoids conflict and often seeks its controller in these situations. Warjacks with this quirk must be goaded a bit to go into battle. If left unrepaired, this minor quirk leads to the Cowardly major quirk.

41–45 Imitator. The ’jack watches its controller intently and picks up some of his mannerisms or traits. For example, a ’jack whose controller has a limp might limp as well even though there is nothing wrong with its leg servos. If left unrepaired, this minor quirk leads to the Copycat major quirk.

46–50 Inelegant. ’Jacks are not subtle entities, but this ’jack is particularly clumsy. It sometimes drops boxes, bumps into objects, and knocks over items. Laborjacks with this quirk are quickly reassigned from jobs that require finesse, such as working foundries or unloading crates. If left unrepaired, this minor quirk leads to the Clumsy major quirk.

51–55 Lazy. The ’jack avoids straining its servos with menial labor. It does the minimum amount of work required and must be constantly monitored by its controller to ensure it doesn’t shut down or stand idle. The ’jack may even imitate humans by sitting or leaning against a wall when it is idle. If left unrepaired, this minor quirk leads to the Apathetic major quirk.

56–60 Particular. The ’jack prefers having things a certain way and becomes agitated when its routine is disrupted. For example, it might need to be coaled and watered in a very specific manner or seem concerned about nicks and scrapes in its paint. If left unprepared, this minor quirk leads to the Fussy major quirk.

61–65 Persistent. Once the ’jack makes up its mind what to do, it’s very hard to get it to do something else. It typically excels at its given task but usually balks at doing anything else. If left unrepaired, this minor quirk leads to the Stubborn major quirk.

66–70 Pious. This is a specific variant of imitation, arising only where a ’jack would observe others at religious ritual. The ’jack apes these rites and postures. It may kneel or offer a gesture before holy signs or churches and make appropriate respectful postures toward those it recognizes as religious leaders. If left unrepaired, this minor quirk leads to the Devoted major quirk.

71–75 Proud. The ’jack is boisterous and bold. It shows a mechanikal pride when it performs well. A ’jack with this trait might “show off” if given the opportunity, trying to carry more boxes than it should or performing needlessly complex actions. If left unrepaired, this minor quirk leads to the Pompous major quirk.

76–80 Shy. The ’jack seems uncomfortable around people and even other ’jacks. It prefers working alone and can be slow in responding to commands by its handler. When surrounded, this ’jack becomes agitated. If left unrepaired, this minor quirk leads to the Sullen major quirk.

81–85 Twitchy. The ’jack is prone to jittery movement. It constantly fidgets and whirs its motors and servos and may pace, burning up additional fuel. It may acquire an unusual obsessive trait, such as flexing its fingers or scratching its head. If left unrepaired, this minor quirk leads to the Anxious major quirk.

86–90 Rough. The ’jack is particularly uncaring about precision or the frailty of objects and people. A laborjack with this quirk may drop crates instead of carefully setting them down, while a demolition ’jack may be unconcerned with the presence of others while it tears down a wall. If left unrepaired, this minor quirk leads to the Brutish major quirk.

91–95 Roll twice (ignore contradictory results). 95–

100 Roll three times (ignore contradictory results).

Major Quirks

Major quirks have a much more profound impact on a ’jack’s performance. A ’jack with a major quirk has adjustments to its statistics, and the controller often suffers a penalty (but sometimes a bonus) to his ’Jack Handling skill checks when ordering the ’jack to perform certain tasks.

% — Major Quirks

1–5 Explosive. The ’jack has an explosive temper and frequently strikes out without warning. If a creature the ’jack does not recognize moves within 10 feet, the ’jack must make a DC 10 Will save or attack the creature. If this happens, the DC of all ’Jack Handling checks increases by 5. If attacked, this ’jack may refuse to disengage until its adversary is destroyed or taken out of its sight. If left unrepaired, this major quirk leads to the Bloodthirsty severe quirk.

6–10 Protective. The ’jack is very protective of its handler and will try to stay close to him unless ordered otherwise. If within 30 feet of its handler, it gains a benefit identical to Improved Initiative to react to threats to him. If left unrepaired, this major quirk leads to the Fixated severe quirk.

11–15 Cruel. The ’jack seems to perversely delight in watching others suffer. A ’jack with this quirk cannot be bonded to its handler until repaired with a DC 20 Craft (Mechanika) check. In addition, it deals an additional +1d6 points of damage to all attacks, but all commands other than attack increase their DC by 5. If left unrepaired, this major quirk leads to the Sadistic severe quirk.

16–20 Spacey. The ’jack often forgets what its doing. It follows through on commands but ceases after 2d4 turns unless the handler succeeds on the initial ’Jack Handling check by 10 or more. If left unrepaired, this major quirk leads to the Absentminded severe quirk.

21–25 Exuberant. The ’jack takes immense pleasure in performing tasks for its handler. ’Jack Handling check DCs are reduced by 5. If left unattended without specific orders, however, after 2d8 turns the ’jack must make a DC 15 Will save or attempt to continue the last commands it was given. This might lead it to load more crates onto a ship than directed, for example. If left unrepaired, this major quirk leads to the Manic severe quirk.

26–30 Compulsive. The ’jack prefers one task to all others. Pick one command from the ’Jack Handling list in the IKCG. When performing any other command, the ’jack must make a DC 12 Will save after 2d8 turns or switch to the chosen command instead. The ’jack becomes very intent on the task set forth by the handler. If left unrepaired, this major quirk leads to the Obsessive severe quirk.

31–35 Needy. The ’jack feels the need to be around people or other ’jacks at all times. If left alone for over an hour the ’jack must make a DC 12 Will save or stop its current task and seek out its handler or others. If possible, it will attempt to carry out its orders while staying close to other people or ’jacks. If left unrepaired, this major quirk leads to the Smothering severe quirk.

36–40 Cowardly. The ’jack shows unnatural fear when confronted with violence. If attacked or ordered by its handler to attack, the ’jack must make a DC 12 Will save or flee in the opposite direction. If left unrepaired, this major quirk leads to the Craven severe quirk.

41–45 Copycat. The ’jack bases most of its personality on that of its handler and copies many of his motions and mannerisms. Whenever the handler is present, the ’jack must make a DC 12 Will save or it will start to imitate its handler instead of performing its ordered tasks. A second successful ’Jack Handling check will suffice to get it back on task. If left unrepaired, this major quirk leads to the Mimic severe quirk.

46–50 Clumsy. The ’jack’s gross motor skills are seriously compromised. It drops things more often than not and has trouble ascertaining its proximity to objects and creatures. Reduce the ’jack’s Dexterity by 2. If left unrepaired, this major quirk leads to the Maladroit severe quirk.

51–55 Apathetic. The ’jack moves only when absolutely necessary. All ’Jack Handling checks have their DC increased by 5. If left unrepaired, this major quirk leads to the Slothful severe quirk.

56–60 Fussy. The ’jack must have things “just so” for it to function correctly. The GM determines a particular “ritual” that must be performed in a certain order. If the handler does this, all ’Jack Handling checks for the day have their DC reduced by 5; they are increased by 5 if the ritual is not performed. If left unrepaired, this major quirk leads to the Demanding severe quirk.

61–65 Stubborn. The ’jack easily becomes set on a particular course of action. The GM picks one particular command from the list provided in the IKCG. Giving this particular command requires no ’Jack Handling check — it automatically succeeds. However, all other commands have their DC increased by 5. If left unrepaired, this major quirk leads to the Obstinate severe quirk.

66–70 Devoted. The ’jack is fixated on a particular set of religious icons and behavior. It refuses to take orders from its handler unless he wears and openly displays the religious symbol of the faith. It must make a DC 12 Will save when in the presence of anyone it recognizes as a priest of that faith or it will stop what it is doing to offer gestures of respect. If left unrepaired, this major quirk leads to the Fanatic severe quirk.

71–75 Pompous. The ’jack has a tremendous ego for an inanimate object. Unless its handler speaks to it in a manner it considers respectful it will ignore his orders. All ’Jack Handling DCs are increased by 10 unless the handler is willing to go out of his way to “ask nicely” and frequently compliment the ’jack. If left unrepaired, this major quirk leads to the Egomaniacal severe quirk.

76–80 Sullen. The ’jack hates being in the presence of others. If another person (besides the handler) or ’jack is within 15 feet, all ’Jack Handling checks have their DC increased by 5. If left unrepaired, this major quirk leads to the Withdrawn severe quirk.

81–85 Anxious. The ’jack is a ball of nervous energy. Reduce its Dexterity and Wisdom by 2. This ’jack will require 20% more fuel than an otherwise identical ’jack. If left unrepaired, this major quirk leads to the Frantic severe quirk.

86–90 Brutish. The ’jack is uncaring about precision or the safety of others. Reduce its Intelligence and Wisdom by 2. In addition, the ’jack handles objects so roughly that it effectively attacks them. If left unrepaired, this major quirk leads to the Wild severe quirk.

91–95 Roll again, plus once on the Minor Quirks Table.

95–100 Roll twice (ignore contradictory results).

Severe Quirks

A ’jack afflicted with a severe quirk is extremely difficult to give orders to and more often than not is dangerous to its handler and others. Unless otherwise stated, a ’jack with a severe quirk has all ’Jack Handling DCs increased by 10. Many of these quirks are bad enough to prompt a cortex wipe unless those working with the ’jack can find a way around them.

% — Severe Quirk

1–5 Bloodthirsty. The ’jack is too violent to be trusted. In certain isolated settings (such as lumber cutting work) this trait may go unrecognized until there are fatalities. If a stranger moves within 30 feet of a ’jack with this quirk, the ’jack must make a DC 15 Will save or attack the creature.

06–10 Fixated. The ’jack is obsessed with the well-being of its handler. Getting it to perform any action out of sight of its handler requires a DC 20 ’Jack Handling check.

11–15 Sadistic. The ’jack exists to see others suffer painful, lingering deaths. ’Jack Handling checks for the “attack” command automatically succeed, and the ’jack gains +1d6 points in damage. However, getting the ’jack to perform any other command once engaged (including Stop) require a DC 20 ’Jack Handling check. In addition, a ’jack that kills an opponent remains where it is for 1d6 additional rounds, pounding the deceased victim into paste.

16–20 Absentminded. The ’jack often stares off into space and tends to forget orders given to it. Reduce the ’jacks Wisdom by 4. In addition, every 2d6 turns, the handler must make another ’Jack Handling check to maintain the ’jack’s current order. Failure indicates that the ’jack has ceased carrying out its current command entirely.

21–25 Manic. The ’jack overflows with excitement for performing tasks for its handler. ’Jack Handling check DCs are reduced by 10. However, if active and not given any orders, after 1d6 turns the ’jack must make a DC 15 Will save or try to repeat the last command it was given. This can become a problem if that is impossible. A ’jack previously ordered to load a ship with crates may start scrounging for other random things to put on the ship, such as the boxes in an adjoining warehouse, for example.

26–30 Obsessive. The ’jack is obsessive about performing a specific task. Pick one command from the ’Jack Handling list in the IKCG. When performing any other command, the ’jack must make a DC 15 Will save after 1d4 turns or switch to the chosen command instead.

31–35 Smothering. The ’jack cannot stand being more than a few feet from its handler. Whenever the handler makes a ’Jack Handling check that requires the affected ’jack to move more than 20 feet away from him, the ’jack must make a DC 15 Will save to do so. If it fails this save, it takes no action other than moving closer to its handler. The ’jack handler can overcome this with a second ’Jack Handling check with a 10-point penalty.

36–40 Craven. The ’jack is completely useless in the face of violence or even the threat of conflict. Military ’jacks with this severe quirk are always wiped. Any time a ’jack must make an Initiative check, it must make a DC 15 Will save or flee.

41–45 Mimic. The ’jack tries to emulate its handler as much as possible. Without orders, an active ’jack performs the same actions every round as its handler, pantomiming the motions if it is otherwise unable (such as casting a spell). 46–50 Maladroit. Wherever the ’jack goes, it leaves behind a wake of unintended destruction. Reduce its Dexterity by 4.

51–55 Slothful. The ’jack desires only to sit idle, burning through its supply coal and water. All ’Jack Handling checks have their DC increased by 15.

56–60 Demanding. The ’jack absolutely must have things a particular way. As with the Fussy major quirk, the GM determines a particular “ritual” that must be performed in a certain order. If the handler does this, all ’Jack Handling checks for the day have their DC reduced by 15; they are increased by 15 if the ritual is not performed.

61–65 Obstinate. The ’jack is completely set in its ways. As with the Stubborn major quirk, the GM picks one particular command from the list provided in the IKCG. Giving this particular command requires no ’Jack Handling check — it automatically succeeds. However, all other commands have their DC increased by 15.

66–70 Fanatic. The ’jack possesses the most extreme traits of a religious zealot. It automatically attacks anyone not readily apparent to belong to the faith upon which it is fixated upon, generally by being marked with that faith’s chosen symbol. Getting the ’jack to cease attacking requires a DC 20 ’Jack Handling check.

71–75 Egomaniacal. The ’jack overflows with self-importance. Reduce its speed by 10 feet to represent its peacock-like strutting and posturing. The ’jack retains the penalties of the Pompous major flaw. (Unless its handler speaks to it in a manner it considers respectful it will ignore his orders. All ’Jack Handling DCs are increased by 10 unless the handler is willing to go out of his way to “ask nicely” and frequently compliment the ’jack.)

76–80 Withdrawn. The ’jack cannot tolerate the presence of others at all. Anytime it comes within 30 feet of another ’jack or its handler, it must make a DC 15 Will save or shut down.

81–85 Frantic. The ’jack jitters and shakes so much it threatens to tear itself apart. Reduce its Dexterity and Wisdom by 2. The ’jack utilizes 30% more fuel than normal. In addition, it cannot perform full round actions — one of its actions must include a Move action. 86–90 Wild. The ’jack is downright dangerous when performing mundane tasks. Reduce its Intelligence and Wisdom by 4. Such ’jacks are generally useless for most tasks other than pulling heavy loads.

91–95 Roll twice on minor quirks and once on major quirks.

95–100 Shutdown. The ’jack’s cortex is corrupted to such a degree that it automatically shuts completely down after 1d6 turns of activation.

Fonte: No Quarter 24

