Pyre Troll


Rafão Araujo
Reduto do Bucaneiro
7 min readMar 16, 2021


Nothing wakes up the enemy like a splash of fire hitting their tents before dawn!

— Grissel Bloodsong

The unique metabolism and adaptive qualities of the troll have led to the establishment of a bewildering variety of subspecies, not least of which is the pyre troll. Pyre trolls have the same gait and general appearance as their cousins but are even more awe-inspiring despite their smaller size. Corded muscles and sinews ripple beneath their deep burgundy or ochre hide, and lung-searing waves of heat shimmer in the air around them. They are more frightful still when they vomit forth balls of flaming black ichor or disgorge that foul substance onto their great thick-nailed hands, wreathing them in flame.

Scholars postulate the pyre troll is an offshoot of the pitch troll, and there
is much evidence to support this hypothesis. Both naturally inhabit
the same sun-blasted red sands at the fringes of the Bloodstone Marches, particularly east of Ternon Crag and near Scarleforth Lake — a habitat to which both trolls are ideally suited, given their remarkable tolerance for heat. Indeed, both types of troll positively revel in high temperatures, and the wine-colored skin they share provides adequate camouflage against the crimson sands. The pyre troll and the pitch troll alike evince the greatest delight when consuming an unusual rank-smelling, tar-like liquid that naturally bubbles to the surface of the sands in scattered oases of the northern and southern Marches. The remaining diet of both creatures is also largely identical and astounding: rocks, plants of extreme toxicity, venomous animals such as snakes and scorpions, and even scraps of metal all make their way into these trolls’ voracious maws.

The extent of these similarities makes it difficult for the uninitiated observer to distinguish the two troll species. Unfortunately, mistaking one for the other can prove extremely hazardous because pyre trolls are significantly more aggressive than pitch trolls, and whereas the latter can belch forth nausea-inducing gas, the former can vomit up viscous globs of flaming ooze. Considering that both subspecies share the same habitat and compete for the same resources, it should come as no surprise that these typically solitary creatures clash frequently over territory, and neither willingly tolerates the presence of the other. The competition between the subspecies may even lead to the eventual extinction of the pitch troll. Observers note its numbers have dwindled dramatically as the pyre trolls have prospered and proliferated.

As foul-tempered and lack-witted as they are, pyre trolls might have remained only an interesting footnote in the natural history of Immoren were it not for the actions of the famed trollkin fell caller Grissel Bloodsong. It was in 606 AR that the skorne invaded in force, and many trollkin kriels fell beneath that initial onslaught. One such attack took place on the banks of Scarleforth Lake, and amid the chaos of this clash of trollkin and skorne, the fell caller witnessed the death of her mate, Turgol Redeye. Her anguished, enraged cries reached the nearby pyre trolls with which she’d had previous contact, and they answered her call. By her side, they gave vent to their burning wrath, pushing back the skorne long enough to save the rest of the nearby kriels. Although these trollkin eventually retreated from the region, they took with them a number of the fiery trolls and continued to employ their considerable fighting ability.

Grissel and other warlocks of this region have repeatedly championed the inclusion of pyre trolls among the fighting kriels with some success, but this stance has not been without its setbacks. Many other species of full-blood troll — and certainly the trollkin — are uncomfortable around pyre trolls. This is understandable; with their poor temperaments, their tendency to set fire to anything flammable nearby, the sweltering heat they exude, and a diet peculiar and extreme even by the standards of other trolls, pyre trolls make poor guests. Only their success on the battlefield has led to their grudging acceptance by the sons and daughters of Bragg. Even so, the trolls’ ire must often be soothed by a fell caller, and the trollkin let them dwell only on the outskirts of a kriel camp, bound with chains about their fists to prevent them from running amok whenever their tempers stir.

Although it was initially feared that pyre trolls relied exclusively on the flammable tar they happily quaff to fuel their incendiary abilities and that this would limit their effectiveness and lead to supply difficulties, this fear has proven unfounded. Instead, it appears that pyre trolls continue to produce their conflagrant bile if given a ready diet of rocks supplemented by any local toxic plants or venomous animal species. They certainly still savor the black sludge found in their native habitat, and trollkin warlocks make it a point
to supply as much as they are able, but it is a luxury provided in thanks rather than a necessity. Since their exposure to the wider world, pyre trolls have shown a fondness for coal and oils of all kinds, including the peat moss found in abundance in certain areas of Ord. Menoth’s Fury is a particularly enjoyed delicacy in those rare instances the pyre trolls are able to partake of it. In fact, they seem to favor Menoth’s Fury as much as the tar of their home.

Given their limited ability to comprehend any but the most basic of orders — pyre trolls are oafish by the standards of other trolls — and their lack of aptitude with weapons or tools of any kind, pyre trolls are generally used as shock troops. Their most common tactic is a simple one: they spit a few flaming globules at enemies before vomiting the blazing red-hot muck over their own hands and charging into the fray to rip, pound, and burn. Few foes can resist such a mindless and powerful assault, though certain pyre troll behaviors clearly presage such an attack. As when intimidating territorial rivals in their arid home environment, pyre trolls raise themselves to their full height, puff out their chests, and issue an ear-popping roar while letting flaming bile run over their tongues and dribble from their cavernous mouths. A most disconcerting sight, to be sure.

For all these limitations, there is no denying that pyre trolls are effective frontline weapons. Employed by trollkin war leaders, pyre trolls proved themselves an asset in the many skirmishes along the Hawksmire River, defending kriels from countless enemy incursions. A little creative thinking has led to their particularly effective deployment in several cases. The most famous and recent example was the battle to liberate Ternon Crag from the occupying skorne forces in the summer of 607 AR.

Setting the largest part of her pyre troll contingent to a direct attack on skorne forces in the town, Grissel and Grim Angus led the larger part of their force to attack the town from each side in a pincer movement. Taking full advantage of the confusion and veiling smoke generated by the pyre trolls’ raucous and fiery distraction, they managed to surprise the skorne forces and surround them. Blocking the movements of the skorne with crude wooden barricades formed from available materials, the trollkin directed the pyre trolls to assail the skorne, trapping them within what can best be described as a flaming corral.

In the confusion, Grim Angus led a contingent of trollkin warriors to free the trollkin captives within the town.

The offensive itself was swift, ending nearly as quickly as it had begun, but the pyre trolls proved their worth. The attack encouraged the skorne to vacate the town and resulted in the rescue of a number of trollkin who had been dwelling on the outskirts. Later attacks disrupted skorne supply lines and forced the invaders to divert military resources and devote precious time handling the situation.

Since they first entered the fold, pyre trolls have spread to lands far and wide alongside their trollblood kin under the command of various warlocks. They may be found kept at the ready in many kriels; these hyperactive beasts seldom stop or rest, save when sunning themselves upon rocks. Certainly their presence in a kriel can be troublesome at times, even for the most solidarity-minded trollkin, but despite this, the pyre trolls have earned their place and recognition. As any trollkin will tell you, for all their faults, they have the blood of trolls in their veins. Above all, pyre trolls are kin. So long as they prove their worth bringing fiery ruin upon the enemies of the united kriels, they will find food and shelter — which is all most trolls desire.

Trolls and Trollkin of Carston Gulch
Several small kriels have settled into the mountains southwest of Fharin in a region called Carston Gulch. This is home to a stream with an unfortunate history as a dumping ground for industrial alchemical and copper mining run off. The local know the water is poisonous and most creatures avoid its length, laced as it is with metal contaminants. However, with their hardy constitutions, trolls and trollkin of the region found the area a welcome shelter and learned to appreciate the unique flavor of these waters. This toxicity has resulted in a marked shift in skin and quill coloration, and has even led to pyre trolls breathing vivid yellow-blue flame. The trollkin of the region are proud of their unique colors and often complement their appearance with turquoise ornamentation.

Fonte: No Quarter 23

