Join The Conversation: New Ways The Community Can Be Informed And Stay Connected

City of Redwood City
Redwood City VOICE
Published in
5 min readJul 22, 2016

The City Of Redwood City Offers New Tools To Stay Up To Date And In The Know

Be informed and stay connected with the City of Redwood City. Interested in development but not sure where to locate the latest information? Just moved to the Redwood City community and not sure how to get information about community events, programs and services? Wondering how to connect with the City of Redwood City through social media? This blog is for you!

The City wants to hear from the community around major issues facing the community and make sure you know about opportunities to provide input. We also offer volunteer opportunities to give back to the community. Depending on your interest, we have a way to keep you connected and informed.


The City of Redwood City offers a variety of ways to stay up to date on development being proposed or within various stages of construction in the community. We are enhancing ways to keep the community informed about proposed applications submitted.

New Developments Page

Have you checked out the City’s new Current Development Projects webpage? Find information about major development projects at various stages of the City’s review process or construction phases. This web portal includes infrastructure projects, in addition to, commercial, housing and mixed-use development projects.

To view this new resource, go here.

Sign-up for Permit Application Alerts

Want to know when a permit application is submitted in your neighborhood or anywhere in Redwood City? The City offers a new system so that you are alerted via email whenever a permit is submitted to the City.

The City partnered with a local start-up, BuildingEye, that offers online information at any time about Redwood City permit applications citywide.

To sign up for email alerts or to view a map of permit applications, go here.



The City will be launching a new web portal on August 1, 2016 that will provide a comprehensive list of all public hearings and notices in one place online. This provides the public with greater access to information about upcoming development discussions, potential construction impacts and projects planned in your neighborhood and other notices about neighborhood items. The new Public Notices portal will be linked under Hot Topics on the City’s home page on August 1, 2016.


Join the Conversation On Important Topics Being Discussed By the City Council

Join the conversation and provide input on important issues facing the community! The City launched the Join the Conversation Campaign earlier this year providing advance information about upcoming conversations and meetings taking place so that community members have more time to provide input and feedback.

For more details, go here.

Board, Commission, Committee Meetings

On a weekly basis, the City provides dates and times for upcoming City Board, Commission and Committee meetings. These conversations are open to the public and include a variety of topics from development proposals, housing initiatives, traffic and transportation and more.

To sign up for the City’s weekly eNews for community updates and City board, commission, and committee meetings, go here and click Redwood City eNews. To view all boards, commissions and committee meetings options, go here.


Watch City Council Meetings Online

You probably know that the City Council typically meet regularly twice a month. We know how busy community members are though! You may not know that you can watch the City Council meetings online here, catch-up on the meeting highlights the day after via Twitter or Facebook, or Nextdoor and send an email to Council about your thoughts on a topic in advance or after the City Council meeting.

Online Surveys

The City is looking to engage the public in different ways. Look out for online surveys to gain your input and feedback on various issues facing the community. Thank you to those members of the community that recently submitted feedback on the City’s Parks water features.

Submit A Problem Or Service Request

myRWC -Residents can quickly report an issue in their neighborhood by using myRWC, a simple convenient way that puts City Hall at your “fingertips.” The best way to use myRWC is to download the app onto your smartphone, following the instructions here.

City Blog

The City’s blog called Redwood City VOICE offers updates on a number of City programs, initiatives and issues facing the City.

Recently, the City highlighted various aspects of the City’s recommended FY 2016–2017 operating and capital budget through a budget blog series. To read this blog series or other blog posts, go here.


To sign-up to receive emergency alerts, go here.

To volunteer, go here.

To know what summer events are planned, go here. For the City’s website calendar for all city and community events, go here.

To find out what neighborhood association you are in, go here.

To locate Downtown business, retail and restaurant guides, go here.



City of Redwood City
Redwood City VOICE

Official thoughts and communications from the heart of the Peninsula. “Climate Best by Government Test”.