Redwood City Boards, Commissions and Committees Blog Series: Call for Community Volunteers!

City of Redwood City
Redwood City VOICE
Published in
4 min readMar 15, 2018

The fifth blog in this series features: Port Commission and Board of Building Review

Are you a Redwood City resident? Passionate about City transportation, affordable housing, parks, senior programs, or cultural and art programs or know someone who is?

The City welcomes and encourages your active participation by serving on a Council-appointed Board, Commission or Committee. The City will seek volunteers for a variety of Boards, Commissions and Committees this March. Twenty-nine seats are open. Join other Board, Commission and Committee volunteer members in shaping policy initiatives and services affecting the community.

This blog series features each Redwood City board, commission, and committee and provides information on how you can apply to serve.

Port Commission

The Port Commission consists of five members, who serve four-year terms and meets on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month, with additional special sessions as needed. Port Commission members must be a current resident and elector of the City for at least three years prior to their appointment.

Port Commissioners are assigned exclusive control and management of the Port, including the right to adopt and enforce ordinances, orders, regulations and practices for proper administration as necessary for the management and government of the Port and its facilities. Port Commissioners are also responsible for preparing an annual budget, levying tax funds with approval of the City Council, and authorizing bond indebtedness for Port purposes.

Duties of the Port Commission include:

  • Supervision and control of the Port area, waterfront properties and adjacent lands and Redwood City Marina
  • Provision for the needs of commerce, shipping and navigation at the Port
  • Development, construction, re-construction, alteration, repairs, maintenance, equipping, and operating all waterfront properties
  • Regulation and control of all public service and public utilities operated in connection with the Port
  • Fixing and providing collection all rates, dockage, rental, tolls, wharfage, and related charges for the use and occupation of the public facilities and services of the Port

Did you know that in addition to Port business operations, another area of focus is supporting wharf recreational opportunities? One of the Port’s new retail businesses is California Canoe & Kayak. They operate a retail store for the sale of kayaks, canoes, paddleboards, and related water recreation equipment and offer kayak rentals and lessons. They also offer classes and lessons out of the Port Marina. For more about California Canoe & Kayak, go here.

For Port Commission meeting agendas, members and more, go here.

Board of Building Review

The Board of Building Review consists of five members, who have experience and training in the building construction field and serve four-year terms. The Board meets on the call of the chairperson, usually at the request of Redwood City’s Building and Inspection Division.

The basic duties and responsibilities of the Board of Building Review include:

  • Review and update the City’s building regulatory codes including suggested local amendments and provide recommendations to the City Council pertinent to the adoption of such codes
  • Determine the suitability of alternate materials and types of construction with respect to City code requirements
  • Hear appeals of denied building permits, inspection approval, or certificate of occupancy for the reason that the material or type of construction intended for use is not deemed to comply with City Code

For Board of Building Review meeting agendas, members and more, go here.

Interested in serving?

The recruitment is now open. Submit your application by going online to the City’s website and filling the application form. The application and more information about each Board, Commission and Committee is online here.

More Details on the Spring Recruitment

The City of Redwood City is now recruiting for multiple seats on various Boards, Commissions, and Committees! Recruitment opens on March 1 and closes on April 6. To learn more about the recruitment process, go here.

General requirements include that applicants must have an interest in civic involvement, must be 18 years of age or older, be a registered voter, and a resident of incorporated Redwood City. Some volunteer positions may have additional requirements or preferred areas of expertise.

For our blog series featuring the Civic Cultural Commission and Parks, Recreation, and Community Services Commission, go here.

For our blog series featuring the Planning Commission, Architectural Advisory Committee, and the Historic Resources Advisory Committee, go here.

For our blog series featuring the Complete Streets Advisory Committee and Housing and Human Concerns Committee, go here.

For our blog series featuring the Library Board and Senior Affairs Commission, go here.



City of Redwood City
Redwood City VOICE

Official thoughts and communications from the heart of the Peninsula. “Climate Best by Government Test”.