Making Time For Cinema Classics

Delia Light
Reel Late Reviews
Published in
1 min readDec 15, 2015

Growing up with Peruvian parents in the U.S., I was always more in tune with Latino pop culture than general American culture. I didn’t even know who The Beatles were, or realize getting together to watch the Super Bowl was a “thing” until I was 13.

My parents were also strict. Going to the movies with a group of friends, or just going to a friend’s house to hang out was a laughable concept:

“What are you going to do? Just watch a movie? No homework? That’s not a reason. Go study or do something useful.”

Furthermore, I was, and continue to be a book nerd. A lot of time growing up was spent reading for fun. I’m that person who has very strong opinions about whether the book was better than the movie (spoiler alert: it usually is).

So with that, you can imagine that there are serious gaps in my knowledge of movie classics. But that’s what we’re here to do: a quest to discover films, expand our pop culture knowledge, and be in on movie references. It’s time to fill in the gaps. Here we go.

With Brand New Eyes,


