How To Send Your Emails at the Best Moment To Each Subscriber

Delphine Moulu
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Published in
2 min readSep 25, 2015

The quest for perfect timing

If you are an email marketer, “best time to send” is a classic subject of conversation and you have probably read a lot of articles talking about the best time and/or day of the week to send your newsletters.

In order to determine these, email providers have calculated time and day averages depending on the industry. But to us, this classic segmentation approach is not relevant as it is taking the problem the wrong way. Indeed, instead of wondering what is the best time to send email campaigns, how about calculating it?

The idea is, as every individual is different, each subscriber may have a different behavior towards your emails. Some subscribers might be really reactive as they always have their phone with them and use it to check their emails. Others might open your emails only on the evenings at they are focusing on work during daytime.

Instead of doing a global average of all your subscribers, email intelligence technologies do calculations for every single subscriber in order to determine the best moment to engage each and everyone of them.

Email intelligence technologies meticulously analyze each subscriber’s behavior (opens, clicks, purchases, etc.) in order to automatically push the right message, at the right moment, to engage them.

