What Is Email Intelligence & Why We Developed Our Own Model

Delphine Moulu
Reelevant posts
Published in
2 min readOct 26, 2015
Discover Reelevant’s email intelligence model and the four components supporting it.

Ever heard of email intelligence?

So we’re not the new kid on the [email marketing] block as we’ve actually been here for a while. It all started in 2010, when we were an email marketing agency going under the name of Messagency. For two years, we worked very closely with our customers, identifying their needs and giving them advices on ways to answer it.

In 2012, we went from an email marketing agency to an email marketing provider and launched SimpleMail. This was a really interesting experience as it allowed us to realize that emailing tendencies were evolving but the market wasn’t. So in 2015 we decided to develop something new and truly different from what was currently available on the market.

In the email marketing industry, many talk about email intelligence but no one really defined it. So we looked back at our history, going from an email marketing agency to an email provider, and took some serious time to think about it and identify what email intelligence actually meant to us.

And here we are, one year and half later. We have developed our very own email intelligence concept — the CBCM model — and Reelevant, the first live email intelligence technology that relies on it. To us, context, behavior, content and moment are email intelligence’s four criteria. Let me explain each criterion’s signification:

  • Context: environment that surrounds the recipient when he receives, opens or interacts with the email (device, email provider, localization, weather conditions, etc.)
  • Behavior: actions of the recipient on the email or the website (opens, clicks, page visits, purchases, etc.)
  • Content: what the recipient actually see on the email (text, images, call-to-actions, links, etc.)
  • Moment: day and time at which the email is sent to the recipient.

This CBCM model was born while we were developing Reelevant, so if you’re curious about live email intelligence technology and want to be one of the very first to get to play with our brand-new product, come here: www.reelevant.com

Enough about us, we’d love to hear from you on this. Tell us, what does email intelligence mean to you?

