The Imperative Good Manners Theme and Activities By Rafia Horain

Reem Island
Reem Island
Published in
3 min readMar 10, 2019

Children are handled with extreme care, with the staff and facilities of Mosaic Nursery Reem Island catering to both the mind and brain requirements of your children. Since the curriculum is Creative, they take into consideration all aspects of a child’s development ad character building. The goal behind is to strike a balance between educational and self-learning modes. This is the reason all the whole school system is designed to achieve the goal of academic as well as personality buildup excellence. This leading nursery school takes the responsibility of your child’s manners on its shoulders. Mosaic nursery makes good etiquettes and manners a priority which is why the entire classroom as well as outdoor activities revolve around teaching good mannerism to the children they enroll.

British Nursery for Kids in Abu Dhabi

Methods of inculcating good behavior and manners:

Classroom activities are all centered upon developing a perfect set of etiquettes in your young ones. Traits like compassion, kindness, sharing, selflessness, confidence, socializing and healthy interactions are taught effectively to the children via activities that are designed especially to serve this purpose. These traits are tough to inculcate in children as they go against ther nature for example how many times have you seen a child showing reluctance at sharing his belongings with other children his age? Mosaic nursery school understands this and use really effective measures to make sure your children learns all good manners in real sense. For example children are made to hug each other, shake hands and exchange warm greetings and compliments. They are made to work together in groups for a single goal or task, which develops social skills in them.

Outdoor activities and play area/gym work, an exciting and rousing environment is provided in these areas which inspire the children to discover new things together, and meet different challenges on their own with their fellows help. In outdoor play area they play together and thus the spirit of team work flourishes.

Table manners Normally underestimated is the learning of table manners in little children, staff at Mosaic nursery at Reef Land, pay huge attention to the teaching of good eating habits ton children. Children are made to sit together on the table and eat using spoon and other essential cutlery needed, with the guidance of their teachers. Moreover, they are taught to share their lunch boxes with their fellow students so that slowly the possessiveness is eliminated completely from their nature.

Communication Skills and confidence building, Children are taught to introduce themselves to their class fellows and talk frankly with other children. This creates a bond between them all. Moreover as they communicate the hesitance they have is cleared away and they become more confident of themselves.

Politeness, by setting their own example the teachers serve as role models to promote use of polite words and gestures and also control the children’s tantrums and undesirable behaviors like shouting and crying. With the passage of time the preschoolers understand the significance of speaking gently and politely with others.

Mosaic nursery is one preschool that focuses on the importance of teaching your child good manners through fun themes and activities so that they learn the “good” thing the easy way which stays them forever.

