Potty Training Perils #1

Regan Reese
Published in
2 min readJan 15, 2017

Today after bath time as I went to help Ellie get dressed. When I laid her down she looked up at me and said “Poop.”

Now keep in mind “Poop” is a relatively new word for her so we’re not entirely sure she knows what it means. Sometimes when someone farts she says poop and tries to check their pants, fortunately she hasn’t caught Brionna or I with dirty pants yet. (In about 70 years she may have better odds though)

Anyways, when I heard her say poop, I knew today was the day, she was going to use the little toilet on the bathroom and be out of diapers next week. So I picked her up, gingerly avoiding the business end of my naked child repeating “poop” and pointing to her bottom, and ran her to the bathroom and sat her on the toilet. Which she immediately tried to get off of. (Cold seat, I get it)

I finally convinced (held her down) her to stay on the toilet and at least watch mom give Abby a bath. After sitting for a few minutes she was bored again so I picked her up and sat her between my legs on the big toilet trying to by us some more time. A few more minutes with nothing to show for it so I gave up and let her go streaking back to her room to put her diaper and pj’s on. As I stepped over mom who was still giving Abby a bath Ellie comes streaking back into the bathroom with a fresh chorus of poop’s.

“Nice try Ellie, I’m not falling for that again go back to your room and we’ll get you ready for bed.” Obediently, she pivots and heads back to her room. She stops in the door way and proudly points at the floor, to a large puddle.


So close.

PS Shout out to Grandma Fratzke for watching kiddos and letting us go eat tonight!

