1.3.2022 — Weekly Announcement

Cedric Diop
Published in
3 min readJan 3, 2022
Reesykle’s weekly announcement banner


We hope you’re all doing well and that you enjoyed the holidays with your loved ones. Starting this week, we want to get into the habit of releasing weekly announcements to keep you guys informed of the latest updates, recap what we did during the previous week, and talk about what we have planned for the upcoming week. We hope that this new habit will continue to breed trust, transparency, and open communication within the Reesykle community. We will keep these weekly announcements short and straight to the point. So, without further ado, let’s jump into it.


Last week was a busy week. We got a lot done. However, we have some tasks that carried over to this week. Here’s a quick recap of what we did:

Security Audit

Ever since that dreadful hack a couple of weeks ago, we vowed to make security a top priority for us, even if it means delaying the release of a product or service. Last week, one of our top priorities was getting a security audit so we could all sleep better at night. The security audit was performed by ContractChecker, and you can check it out here:

AMAs (Ask Me Anything)

We conducted two text AMAs with crypto communities on telegram. The first one was with BC Blue Sky Ventures, and the second one was with Crypto Titans. To be frank, none of these AMAs yielded the results that we expected. Our suspicion is that these groups have more bots than real humans. Either way, we got some nice exposure and more people know about Reesykle.

Updated CoinGecko and CoinMarketCap

This was a big issue last week. Because of our outdated listing page that was reflecting the price from the previous token, holders were seeing incorrect pricing details on their wallets. This issue caused confusion, and prevented potential new holders from joining the Reesykle family. Thankfully, this has been fixed now.


We have been working hard to get back up on our feet. To thank everyone that supported, we decided to have a giveaway. The giveaway got us a lot of retweets and a lot of exposure.

Applied to Exchanges

We sent applications to two exchanges last week. DECOIN and Binance. We have not heard back from them yet. We will keep you guys updated on this issue as it progresses.

Worked on Translation Program

One of our goals is to make Reesykle accessible to everyone regardless of their nationality, language or culture. We want to achieve this goal with our translation program, which, through the power of community, encourages community members to translate the website to their native language. We started implementing this last week. We are going to continue working on it this week.

Press Release

We planned on releasing a press release last week, but we tabled that conversation for this week. You’ll understand why soon.

Here’s a quick recap of what we did last week:

  • Security audit ✅
  • 2 AMAs ✅
  • Giveaway ✅
  • Updated CoinGecko and CoinMarketCap ✅
  • Updated BSCScan ✅
  • Applied to Exchange ✅
  • Initialized work on translation program (pending)
  • Press release (pending)

This Week

This week, we’re going to be focused on something big. We are planning on releasing a preview (non-functional) version of our real estate platform. The preview will allow users to get a glimpse at what they’ll be able to do once this innovative platform is ready for market. To reiterate, this will simply be a preview to give you guys an idea of the magnitude of the project. The estimated release date for the beta version is March 2022. In addition to the platform being created, there’s a lot of legal work that goes into this. This preview is also the reason why we tabled our press release conversations. Once the preview is released, it will give people more to talk about.

Here’s a highl-level overview of what we have planned for the week:

  • Real Estate platform preview.
  • Reesykle review by YouTuber (after real estate preview).
  • Press Release (after real estate preview).
  • Apply to more exchanges.
  • Conduct 1 more giveaway.
  • Continue working on translation program.

It’s Monday January 3rd, 2022, we have a long week ahead of us with a lot of work to do. See you guys next week!


Reesykle Team

