The Final Announcement

Cedric Diop
Published in
4 min readMar 30, 2022
Reesykle’s final announcement banner

Dear Friends,

Today marks a sad day for the Reesykle community. After months of restless nights, a lot effort, and thousands of dollars, I have decided to officially sunset Reesykle. Arriving at this decision was not easy, I spent weeks reflecting on the pros and cons, thinking how I could salvage whatever was left and inject some hope into the community. It wasn’t an easy thing to do, especially when there was a lack of resources. I tried my best to stay afloat, and I sincerely appreciate everyone in the community that remained loyal from day one, and continued to show support regardless of all the FUD that we endured, the hack, and the slow progress. You guys were sincerely the only ones that kept me going, and I owe you guys an apology for not being as active as I should have been.

To materialize the vision that I had for Reesykle, a lot of resources were needed. Acquiring these resources became inherently difficult because of the hack that we succumbed to on that gloomy morning back in December. Ever since, a lot of people lost trust and hope in the project, which is understandable, because we all lost a lot of money. The events that followed after the hack, were not so nice. Everyone that was actively working on the project back then sustained several nasty attacks from the community, threats on their families and other things that I’m not going to get into right now. Regardless of those threats, we kept trying. Because the most important thing to us back then wasn’t really the money, but the reputation. We refused to let you guys down and tried everything in our power to start over, and start over we did. By the time we re-launched, a lot of people had already lost hope, and moral was very low. Our biggest investors decided to leave, which again, is understandable, no hard feelings. People that were helping build Reesykle also left because they did not want to have their reputation tarnished by the angry mob that surfaced as a consequence of the hack.

I had a lot of great ideas for this project, and if they had materialized, and if the hack never happened, God knows where this project would have been. Alas, things happen. We shouldn’t focus on what we could have done, but instead, on what we can do with the lessons and experiences that we learned from the past. Trust me, I learned a lot by building Reesykle, and I’m very eager to apply these lessons to future projects. I’m actually excited because I know that the next project is going to be flawless in comparison to the shit show that we all faced during the initial days. Which brings me to my next topic of discussion.

This isn’t a forever goodbye. It’s more of a, until we meet again. I spent the past few days gathering whatever could be salvaged from the code that I wrote for Reelty. I then reached out to several friends of mine that I worked with in the past and proposed them an idea, to which they responded with a resounding “When the fuck can we start”. I don’t want to say Goodbye to you guys just yet, but we have to understand that we have to let go of Reesykle because it has suffered enough. I won’t be deleting any of the social media accounts, and I won’t be going away forever. I actually want you guys to be part of whats next. There will be a lot of changes, and we’re going to come back stronger, and better than before, because this time, I will have the team, and the resources to make it work.

I don’t have a lot of details to share about the new project yet, but here’s a hint. It has to do with Real Estate, but it’s going to be a bit different, and fun. I’m also going to take all those lessons that I learned from building Reesykle, and apply it to this new project. I want things to be running smoothly from day one, I want utility to exist from day one.

On a final note. All of our social media accounts will be turned private until the new project comes out. We want to try our best to keep things behind closed doors, because the new project will be launched anonymously. Those who know us, who know me, will know, and those who don’t, won’t.

I can’t wait to see you guys again.


Cedric Diop

