Major Event Cancellations Due to Coronavirus

List of tech conferences that have been cancelled, rescheduled or moved to online-only due to concerns over COVID-19 virus

Aiste Lehmann
11 min readMar 5, 2020


Last updated: 03.04.2020, 21:33 UTC.
Taking into account closing borders and government-issued limitations for in-person gatherings, effectively all events with over 100 attendees in Europe during March and April have been cancelled. Similarly, majority of large tech conferences in USA and around the world have been cancelled due to COVID-19.
We will keep on updating our database. If you are curious how this story will develop and which larger impact event cancellations will have on the economy, feel free to follow us on social media (
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It all started when the GSMA cancelled MWC Barcelona 2020 because of the global concern regarding the coronavirus outbreak. While tech community in Barcelona promptly organised alternative Tech Spirit Barcelona festival which reportedly hosted more than 15k attendees (deep bow from my side), the shock wave sent ripples far and wide.

Event cancellations have not stopped since.

It is estimated that direct economic loss from the cancellation of major tech conferences over coronavirus has already passed half billion dollar mark. And this number includes only estimated losses by airlines, hotels, restaurants, and transportation providers that would normally make money from attendees’ purchases, without taking into account lost income for event organisers themselves.

List of major conferences pulling the plug in 2020:

Events that have cancelled in-person participation and moved all content online:

Events that have been rescheduled to later dates:

Events that have been postponed without setting dates yet:

List will be updated. We are combing through rumours, whispers and chatters trying to verify information.

Are we missing something? Comment under the article or tweet at us at @AisteLehmann & @reevent_me.

P.S. Events that have been rescheduled for 2021 have been put under category “cancelled” in 2020.



Aiste Lehmann

Building implementable structures from chaos of ideas :: Science geek @reevent_me